Incredible. I loved how it ended Nathan's story, amazing combat and performances from all sides and to top it all off the game looks incredibly good even to this day!


Yes I'm biased because I love cats.

Gameplay is insanely fun and engaging, world building is amazing and everyone is giving amazing performances from all fronts.

Amazing artstyle and every boss felt so satisfying to beat cos of the difficulty lol

Why did they bother to make such a long story when every character speaks like an ai chatbot trained from anime

I like that the game goes for a cartoonish aesthetic and vibes cos then it isn't held back by realism and other stuff that could go back to that
also the game's incredibly fun with friends :D

Very fucking fun, but I prefer still DMC3 in terms of story and aesthetic

Thank God that the gameplay and visuals are good enough to overlook the horrible voice acting

Gameplay's too boring for me personally and the lore is waaay too complicated for me to get invested in

Pretty good, there’s two super weak chapters in the game but overall solid experience

Credit where credit is due, the game looks amazing and the game definitely executed what they were going for super well in aesthetics and the story is interesting enough to get invested in
BUT considering how long the game is, you have to go through a lot of scenes of characters talking to each other through procedurally generated ai and that makes getting invested in characters really difficult especially more considering the dialogue some of the characters have feels like it was borderline written by ai and the stealth gameplay is not engaging enough to do optional enemy camps and other side activities

Very fun game and I love the amount of things you can buy and modify in the game. Side missions are pretty neat too I guess, characters are pretty fun to follow too. I didn't like the melee combat and helicopter controls at all tho so they're my only gripes with the game.
Overall fun experience and I look forward to GTA 6!

The amount of scale and boss fights in general would not be as good as it is if it wasn't for the camera, like seriously it helps SO MUCH. Voice acting does what it tries to accomplish well enough and the only gripe I had it was Hades' characterization but that's only cos I'm a big mythology nerd :p

The music, the performances and the overall look of the game is so GOOD AHHHHHH. Admittedly tho I have my problems with the combat and I don't like it as much as the older games for not being as flashy as them but this one isn't inherently bad and I don't mind it that much. The bosses (excluding Baldur's) and some of the tiny things in the game hold me back from giving it 5 stars.