Plays like a dream. Bit of a monkey's paw wish with the storytelling. On the one hand, it's great getting some logs from Samus' perspective and an unfolding narrative rather than just major events at the bookends for a 2D entry in the series. But the navigation rooms really break up the flow at times and also remove the element of exploration that makes Metroid games feel like a personal experience to the player. This also makes it a great one to start with, despite being so late in the chronology. Yet the ways it messes with the formula is so much better when you go in with the expectations set by its predecessors, so Zero Mission is probably the better choice.

I think the difficulty is a little strange, with some puzzles I only got through because I distantly remembered the solutions (that one bomb pillar... you know the one) and others required no thinking whatsoever. I also think the final battle is both far less interesting than the penultimate one and mirrors Super Metroid's ending far too closely to be just an homage. Maybe without other context it would be cool but knowing SM it feels a tad empty.

There's quite a few negatives to mention, but that's partly because the positives are so immediately satisfying they fail to register in quite the same way. The gameplay has the right feel and the music and pacing make this such a breeze to play, so when anything feels off it sticks out like a sore thumb. Looking forward to replaying this a third time already.

Difference between this and the original reminds me of the difference between The Raid and The Raid 2. For all the more this gives, it loses something in the hard-hitting brevity of the first, but I wanted more Superhot and this sure did deliver that.

Really fun to play alone or with others, wish more games had this balance with such easy couch co-op.

My lockdown obsession. Truly cathartic in its gameplay and story, but man that gameplay is so darn good. Music is either a bop or soul-rattlingly good, no filler, and maybe the one time a difficult platformer has pulled me in so intensely I've gone the extra mile to finish all its bonus levels without ragequitting at any point.

Fine to admit this is a very interesting game that I am too dumb for!

Not without its glitches and not always as smooth as it needs to be, but otherwise it is a fascinating meeting point between a very traditional-type game and more modern aesthetics. The design is insanely beautiful, as is the score. Loved the story too, its sparse voice acting, and the gameplay is real good when it gets into a flow, though it does feel a little clunky at times.

Bizarre, frustrating, glitchy, hilarious, fun... did I say bizarre? If you're down for Suda51's whole thing, you should check this out.


Got to the last area. Love the game, but the grind of getting good enough to progress means I only really get anywhere if I've been playing it consistently, and when I play it consistently it gives me cramps in my hands. Makes me feel like an old man, but I straight up don't think I can finish it unless I balance the training required in game with giving my bones a break, and I don't have the time or mindset to make that work in life right now!

Nothing much to say about this game that isn't covered elsewhere. Best writing I've ever come across in a game, with gameplay that is a unique twist on the genre and connects to the themes of the game in beautiful way. Looks and sounds incredible. No notes.

Surprisingly solid Smash clone, fun details, horrible interface + Battle Pass system.

Love the changes to how Miles' gameplay feels, enough to make him look and play different to Peter without messing with the formula too much. Same issues with the boring mech suits and weird focus on realism in its art design as the last, which is highlighted more here when you compare Prowler's HUGE visual downgrade from his comic + movie counterpart here to the in-game Spider-Verse suit, which looks incredible and makes the game that much more fun to play. The story is solid, but there's some Falcon + Winter Soldier level villain inconsistency I'm not a fan of, and Miles continues to be a pretty dull version of the character which has so much more going for him elsewhere. But that gameplay tho!

Loved the development of the gameplay and the story, though by time it gets to its endgame it becomes a real mixed bag. Some stellar storytelling, mind-bending concepts and delightfully insane humour orbiting around a unique gameplay style that takes a while to get into the rhythm of, so I can understand how you can bounce off this hard. A great game to throw yourself into a world and become immersed in the game and sound design for long play sessions. Not at all interested in revisiting the game once I realised how time-consuming the Platinum trophy would be, and I think returning to the beginning for another playthrough wouldn't be as satisfying. Very excited for a sequel, however.

I imagine this was unplayable when everything was locked behind micro-transactions, because I got a lot of enjoyment out of trying out the many different costume variations (especially Iron Man's). Some of the combat is very fun, my favourite movesets being Cap's shield-based combos and Iron Man's smooth transitions between ground and air fighting. But the level design is atrocious and the game is straight up unfinished, but with one act of a plot stretched out across a multitude of forgettable repetitive missions that are only made worse by the grindy side missions that lead nowhere. There might have been a good game in here somewhere, but it's buried under bullshit.

Can't believe this game is 5 years old now. Played the shit out of it on release, returned to it sporadically to be platinum it and try out New Game Plus. The DLC is drawn out and should have just been side missions, but that's more of a criticism of how AAA titles are handled than anything. Personally think there are some lacking aspects of the story and the general character design is flat and boring and will not age well, but they're quite minor quibbles in an otherwise compelling and satisfying game.

Smooth as hell gameplay, nice updates to the story, great voice acting and design on (almost) everything. Burned through the bulky story fairly quickly, but returning for the more action-based Separate Ways DLC and the addictive arcade energy of Mercenaries mode makes this really worth the (high) price