48 reviews liked by jaco5180

the ruinous open world (that removes the possibility for the deftly choreographed scripted chase sequences that were so engrossing in the original), more realistic scenery/lighting design (that dulled The City of Glass's overexposed starkness) and bland CW-show storytelling that's "more cinematic" (but also way more intrusive than the OG's hilaribad and brief disney channel cutscenes) perfectly illustrate why developers should never listen to fan demands and should only ever listen to ME!!!!!!!! why would you EVER put a skill tree in something like this?!?!?!?!

at least the Solar Fields ambient ost is still ace

Molto carino, soprattutto il culo di Harley Quinn

Young Dante and Vergil are so cool.

"I peed on your wife, Robotnik. She's mine now."

By the way, IGN itself debunked the infamous review. Let that sink in.

I swear every discord server has that one guy who'll occasionally post a clip that starts off on 'attempt 53837' with the most eye bleeding background you've ever seen where you can barely see what you're supposed to interact with, proceed to get through 43% of it at lightning speed and die, and then their next message is 'yeah gonna grind this one out a little more I'm liking this one'

Most underrated zelda game imo.On par with a link to the past.I have always had a tough time choosing between these two as my fav zelda.I do think minish cap is objectively a better zelda gameplay wise,whereas a link to the past was revolutionary and sooo many precious memories with that one <3

Mediocre track selection and a roster that's a crime against god



"wait - you haven't played quake?"
~almost everyone who i've gushed about this to game in the past few days

a little about me: i'm partial to industrial grit, my favorite doom games favor grimly edgy atmosphere over 80s thrash worship, i'm a big NIN fan and the downward spiral is one of my top 5 favorite albums. so this should be a no brainer, right?

well - yeah, actually. that's exactly right. throughout my playthrough all i could continually ask myself was, "why the fuck didn't i play this sooner?" and rightfully so. i think the reason quake has eluded me for so long is because its holistic reputation is eclipsed at this point by a diehard multiplayer community that i frankly don't give a shit about. i'm not much of a multiplayer enthusiast for anything - let alone tech-y arena shooters - and honestly i probably would've continued ignoring this absolute fucking masterpiece if not for my pressing curiosity towards trent reznor's involvement

that'd have been a huge mistake; quake is easily the best boomer shooter i've ever played

this is where i could talk about how i adore the weapons and their balancing, the general focus on straightforward maps with powerups everywhere, the difficulty being largely driven by how easy it is to kill yourself in tight spaces - or even the god tier ambient score that has just the right amounts of otherworldly screams and metallic chords strewn about - i COULD go into those things and we could be here for a considerable amount of time - but instead of doing any of that, i'm just going to say that the shambler is one of the greatest enemy designs in any fps. in fact, my feeling towards quake 1 can be summarized roughly with my thoughts on the shambler; he's absolutely perfect. i love this giant, dopey, teethy foreskin man in all his fleshy (not furry - fuck you) glory. and i haven't even begun to MENTION his timbs yet

my mans butters be outright otherworldly