A mostly competent game that's severely brought down by uninspired level design and a boss difficulty "curve" that's more like a horizontal line with two massive spikes. If the story didn't feel like it was just an shonen anime retelling of Dark Souls 1, the vestige segments would have a genuine emotional weight to them, but instead they just highlight how dull and uninspired the story as a whole is.

One of the sickest aesthetics a video game has ever had and the Lynchian style of the storytelling is rad. The gameplay itself has a charm to it, but loses that after a few hours. Everything else more than makes up for that, though.

When the mechanics click, the satisfaction I get from this game is damn near unrivaled; however, you spend the first 4 hours trying to figure out what the loop in it is supposed to look like and the last 4 hours just going through the motions because not following that strict loop makes it impossible to progress. The rest of the time you spend with it are blissful, except the story doubles down on its lore and becomes infinitely less interesting than the satirical story DOOM 2016 told.


A damn near perfect video game and the best Robocop video game adaptation ever made. The core gameplay loop is fairly simple in comparison to DOOM Eternal, but I feel like the simplicity of that loop allows for multiple approaches to combat scenarios and thus helps them feel more freeform.

An amazing interactive art piece and an incredibly frustrating video game.


One of the best roguelites and undoubtedly the best written story/characters in a roguelite. Some of the room designs leave something to be desired and a couple of the weapons just don't have a great feel to them, but these are pretty small nitpicks.

Absolutely gorgeous, but a little bit too easy.

A great co-op experience because, even without friendly fire turned on, you can still hit each other in the face with baseballs and lose all of your money. This is not sarcasm, I love chaos machine co-op. Anyways, the game itself is totally fine, has a great look to it, and has a DAMN good soundtrack.

Fun and funny, but is ultimately bogged down by the old point-and-click adventure game logic of use everything on everything until you find the right answer.

A beautiful mess of an open-world game that finally figures out how to flesh out the typical chaos one dulls out in GTA-style video games, so that you don't get bored of it after an hour of blowing up pedestrians with a rocket launcher. Also, you can wear a luchador mask with a TF2 shirt and no pants and that's just good ol fun.

Wonderful aesthetic and soundtrack slotted into a game that mostly feels like garbage.

The movement options they introduce with this first X entry are cool and add a nice drive to the game, but it's lacking one or two additional options that would've made it feel amazing. That in combination with the collect-a-thon stuff you gotta do before you can competently fight Sigma makes the game kind of a slog. The soundtrack is a damn banger though.

I've replayed this game like 4 times and it hasn't lost a single ounce of its weight.

I knocked my wife off a raft and she drowned. She wasn't happy with me. Then, we had to redo the stage and I accidentally dived off the same raft. It's fun.

The best puzzle game of all time.