One of the worst games I’ve ever completed. Incredibly not fun. Please don’t waste your time trying to get all the stars. Trust me.

Richard wasn't a very good dad, I don't think.

It was fun. A bit too long but I guess that gave me the chance to make these people extremely powerful by the end and I liked that. Last level was pretty much a breeze despite the frame rate crashing to a difficult-to-understand-what’s-even-happening low number. Didn’t have any problems with frame rate up to then but, wow, that was bad. Also, sometimes I wished some of the characters would just shut up.

Ok, that was a lot harder than I remember it being.

Interesting ideas but the controls were just not working for me. Maybe I was playing in a space that was too small. Also that last puzzle with the match was slightly odd due to the match I was holding being invisible? They needed to make it look like I was holding a ghost match so I knew it was in my hand, at least.

I'm not sure games get much better than this, actually.

It's a good puzzle game. The ideas kept changing which was good. I've seen people saying the puzzles were too easy and if that was too easy, then that's just fine. It was the right difficulty. I don't want to spend the rest of my life here, y'know? I didn't pay attention to the story one lick, by the way. I just don't care. There was a cat that kept talking to me. I petted it and moved on. See ya!

Not one of my favorite Assassin's Creed games (those are Odyssey and Syndicate) but still good. This was a shorter Assassin's Creed than the last few but it FELT long. I did not like how my bird seemed less useful than the past few games. (And having him be shot out of the sky when he actually mattered was pretty stupid.) The unblockable hits were also frustrating because you really weren't given enough time to break counter animation and dodge so you needed to predict attacks. Combat wasn't very fun because of that but maybe that was the point. I also didn't understand map icons. I bought all the maps and they still didn't tell me where all the lost books were. I think I needed to get close enough to them to have them be marked on the map but, sorry, that's just not fun. Tell me where things are and I'll go get them.

Pretty cool. The gameplay is a bit lacking. Mostly just clicking through a list of options until you hit on the right one. Story was alright. Glad there was a notebook and a 'story so far' thing every time you played. That was very helpful in keeping track of the plot and all the names flying around.

I did everything I could possibly do in this game and I did it all in 10 days. So, yeah, it was good and it was fun. The boss fights having multiple health bars got on my nerves a bit. Just make the bar reflect the full health and have your cutscenes / phases at quarter points so I know where I'm at here. Oh, also, buggiest game I've played in YEARS. Shocked nobody's panning this game for that.

I need to promise myself I'll stop playing these games. They aren't fun in the least.

An excellent single player Pikmin. An absolutely TERRIBLE multiplayer Pikmin. A serious knock on this game.

A short spooky visual novel. Almost like a choose-your-own-adventure kind of thing with branching storylines and options to go back and change your path to uncover a bit more of the town mystery. It was an interesting game mechanic and an interesting story, in the end, with some nice surprises.

Just a really good game with a really nice ending. It's divided into four sections with a unique "boss" in each one with different mechanics and useful items acquired in each. So it's always feeling fresh and it's also only about 10 - 15 hours depending on how much you want to collect.