17 reviews liked by jotage

Simplesmente virou meu jogo favorito.

Ele é bastante falho tecnicamente puramente por fatores de época, os próximos jogos ainda iriam apeixomorar os sistemas introduzidos. Explorar o Tartarus se torna bastante cansativo por não ter muita variação neles, as relações com os personagens masculinos é fraca, os social links em geral não passam de ok, e os bosses são esponjas de dano chatissimos de enfrentar.

Mas esses personagens e principalmente a história e seus temas fazem tudo valer. O jogo tem uma forte temática sobre a morte, a aceitação da morte como parte fundamental da vida, a efemeridade de tudo que existe, ao mesmo tempo também sendo sobre seguir em frente, os personagens passam por conflitos e traumas que os dificultam de viver, e aí surge a busca por um propósito, um sentido em continuar e viver e lutar. Os personagens não lutam contra o mal, mas contra a apatia, as sombras são o contrário da vida, não como a morte, mas como a falta de movimento, a inatividade e a falta de propósito, o contrário da vida é a negação de agir e sentir. Atirar na própria cabeça é a aceitação da mortalidade e do medo da morte, a quebra da sua máscara, onde você decide viver sendo quem você realmente é e entendendo que você decide o que fazer com a sua vida.

E esse tipo de temática é o que mais me conquista em arte, afirmação da vida, isso é a mensagem do meu álbum favorito e meu filme favorito, era óbvio que isso ia me pegar profundamente, afinal, é basicamente a minha filosofia de vida, o milagre que a vida é, a beleza que existe em tudo mesmo nos aspectos ruins da vida, ao sofrimento como um motivador de um novo significado em continuar, a morte sendo o que faz a vida ter o valor que possui, o que nos motiva a viver o tempo em que estivermos aqui, aproveitar plenamente nosso tempo aqui, dar valor aos bons momentos, laços e paixões, que nos fortificam, nos fazem crescer e entender a beleza que existe na vida.

more PGR baybeeee

I'd honestly put it on-par with the first game as both this and 1 kinda have their own ups and downs. This game does run at 30 FPS rather than 1s 60 and it is a bit apparent for a racing game like this, unfortunately. The overall progression is better paced than the first games mid-game wall, but also can kinda feel a bit boring as you really have to challenge yourself by picking higher difficulties, and kudos don't really matter AS much here than in the first. PGR but more streamlined. The OST is also a lot larger here than in PGR1 but also because of that I felt like the songs didn't stick with me as much as game 1s songs, for better or for worse. Again nothing really significantly better or significantly worse between the two games, just different.

The gameplay is the same extremely solid and fun racing that I expect from this series, everything has just the right amount of weight, and going fast feels really good. The lack of emphasis on kudos earning to complete missions makes this much more of a pure racing game. They bumped the city count from the four games in the first to a staggering eleven this time around, with two bonus cities as DLC. There are also a significantly larger amount of events to go through here, so they really turbo-charged the content here.

The real star of the show here is the online support. Shoutouts to insignia for bringing the online functions of this game back up, because I genuinely can't imagine playing this without them. Everything is tracked in their own individual leaderboards, and the kudos system quantifying your driving skill means that throughout the entire game you are constantly being shown your skill relative to the rest of the world, and that plus the general small size of the insignia community means that it's extremely motivating to try things again to get better scores and rise up on the leaderboards. Whereas the kudos are a bit downplayed in the singleplayer progression, they are the crux of the multiplayer, which is awesome. The online racing itself is incredibly full-featured as well, as you can drive any track using any class of car with your friends, and it's fun as all hell. The netcode is honestly really great, as I have mostly played with people from Europe whereas I am in California with little to no issues at all, and the lobby system has tons of QOL to it that a lot of other racing games even today don't even have.

Overall it's the same great gameplay of PGR but with a crapton of content presented in a different, fresh way. Probably one of the best racing games on the system (i still haven't played forza 1), and an ABSOLUTE must-own if you are an insignia user or plan to be one.

(oh yeah geometry wars is such a sick bonus minigame to hide in here too, can't forget about that either)

Sistemático. Repetitivo. Genérico.

O level design extremamente linear faz desse jogo ser muito sistemático, sério. Não há incentivo nenhum a explorar o mapa, a coletar tudo ou qualquer coisa do tipo. Meu objetivo é andar, pular e salvar prisioneiros (bruh). E os inimigos não são menos massantes, alias, são até pior. Dentre eles, a única coisa que muda é o quão longe ele te ataca ou o quão demorado é para matá-lo. E ao contrário do level design, a história peca em ser "consistente" . Claro, eu sei que provavelmente você já vai ter visto o desenho quando for jogar esse jogo, mas de qualquer forma, eu queria ver como ela ia ser contada e não simplesmente adivinhar em qual arco do desenho ta sendo referenciado aqui, isso deixa a motivação ainda pior (Na vdd, tem até algumas cutscenes, mas elas são horríveis.). Ah, e em relação aos inimigos, você poderia me dizer que ao menos tem a recompensa de chegar nos Bosses, não? (Não. Eles também são tão repetitivos que não chega a dar ânimo). O combate mesmo com algumas variações de alguma forma ainda parece extremamente repetitivo também. Tipo, eu acho que esse jogo se resume a ser monótono, simplesmente.

E falar em design, o gráfico aqui é péssimo. Eu não sei se tem como justificar com "é da época" pq realmente parece que não foi bem feito aqui. O Estilo de samurai jack já é "robusto" com poucas formas circulares e demasiadas formas quadradas e triangulares, mas isso n quer dizer q no desenho n seja "suave", principalmente pela "alma" que o desenho dá a tudo. Aqui no jogo, além de ser mal polido os gráficos, as animações parecem que são feitas em stop motion soq com 1 quadro por segundo.

Eu como fã do desenho fico extremamente desapontado com esse jogo. Aqui, diferente do desenho, não parece ter tido carinho.



Fico triste por ter tido conhecimento deste jogo tão tarde...

Um eximio survival horror que usa do surrealismo para ambientar um mundo alucinado e desconsertante em que Laura é abruptamente jogada.

This review contains spoilers

Hey, remember at the end of my review for the first Armored Core when I said I’d be reviewing Echo Night? This was mostly a cheeky joke referring to Dark Souls, but I did have the intention of playing this game eventually. Well, here I am, having completed Echo Night before not only Dark Souls, but also Resident Evil and Silent Hill.

Despite the fact that I haven’t beaten Resident Evil, what I have played shows a lot of how Echo Night was lacking. In Resident Evil, enemy encounters are made engaging because of the different options and factors to consider. In Echo Night, most interactions just involve running from enemies. It also hurts a bit that resource management really isn’t that… Hey wait a minute, this is exactly how I started my review for Yomawari Midnight Shadows! These games are pretty similar, honestly. However, a few things separate Echo Night from Yomawari Midnight Shadows.

While enemy interactions are shallow, the purpose of these enemies is usually just roadblocks. Sometimes you do just have to run from an enemy (Especially later in the game), but often you need to use an item or something to make the ghost go away or find a way to turn on a light. It’s a missed opportunity, but it was never meant to be the crux of the gameplay. That crux would be the puzzles involving the pacifist ghosts. Usually, you help a ghost who’s not at peace for some reason, and in return you get an item needed to progress. The puzzles for finding out how to help these ghosts aren’t great, but they’re fine, and some are fun. I can’t really discuss them without spoiling the solutions, but it’s mostly simple stuff that requires you to pay attention to your surroundings.

In terms of the story, it’s alright. Most of it consists of trying to solve the mystery of this boat that went missing called the Orpheus. There’s some stuff about a red stone and blue stone, and your dad has something to do with all of this, but you’re not given much to go off initially. As you progress though, you help the ghosts on board and learn their stories, and possibly more about the greater plot. It’s an alright concept, but the execution leaves a bit to be desired. First, I rarely feel like I’m actually aboard a ship. A lot of the game is inside rooms that aren’t necessarily characteristic of boats. Second, helping ghosts often involves teleporting through space and time, which is something that just happens without any explanation or player input. It’s not just like you get to view past events either, you must take items from the past to use in the future. There are probably more natural ways to get across these backstories than what we have here, and I generally enjoyed the puzzles that took place on the boat more. Well, I say that, but the stuff on the boat itself is some kind of teleportation from the beginning of the game where the player character’s father is missing. When you’re teleported to the boat, it’s just hanging out in the water. Is the boat actually somewhere in the physical world? It went missing, right? Maybe this is a nitpick, but I just don’t want to be wondering about time-travel stuff in a horror game.

Maybe I’m being a little harsh on this game. This was made by a small team, after all. It’s not entirely fair to compare it to something like Resident Evil. It does have the atmosphere down. The sound design is pretty solid and the visuals do feel unsettling in many ways. However, there’s one way that the game could’ve been great independent of budget: Writing. I mean, sure, it was pretty much inevitable that the voice acting would suck (I still love it for the goofiness), but the actual words the characters say could’ve been good. I know this is a Japanese game originally and maybe the Japanese version has incredible writing, but in English, the writing is very disappointing. In horror/puzzle games, it’s often fun to interact with an item and get some flavor text. Maybe it tells us a bit about the character. Maybe it paints a more vivid picture of the world than the limited graphics can display. In Echo Night, 9/10 times you interact with something, it says, “There is a ___.” You look at a chair? “There is a chair.” You check out a bed? “There is a bed.” This is not hyperbole, almost everything that isn’t absolutely tied to solving a puzzle has this kind of description. Could they not be bothered to write something else?!? Did they only have a week to localize the game? I don’t know, but it hurts the final product, and it’s truly a shame.

Echo Night is passable. It’s pretty rough around the edges, something that could also be said about Armored Core, but that game was unique and more focused on a specific premise. Maybe I’ll play the sequels someday, but I think it’s time I play another Fromsoft game. You know, the one that put them on the map for some people when it came out back in the day, where you battle monsters in a brutal world. Yep, it’s finally time. I’m playing King’s Field next! See you then.



É inacreditável como esse jogo é atemporal, eu não joguei ele nos anos 90, e tendo mimha primeira experiência com ele décadas depois do lançamento com toda evolução dos jogos e achando ele ótimo de se jogar só prova como ele envelheceu bem, não é atoa que ele é a base pra tudo que o FPS teve pós DOOM.

Eu não esperava que eu fosse gostar TANTO desse jogo
Sim, as cutscenes e a história são ridículas, a câmera é complicada, as colisões são estranhas, os chefes são péssimos, ele é datado e bugado, mas ele diverte, e me divertiu muito.
Correr com o Sonic nas fases é muito divertido, isso somado com visuais espetaculares, é o visual mais bonito da série, os shows visuais com as set pieces que esse jogo tem são incríveis de ver, e com a trilha sonora animal e muito variada que que deixa tudo com esse sentimento de aventura, é um jogo que realmente te faz se sentir numa grande aventura épica, e esses elementos bons do jogo me fazem relevar todos os seus problemas.
A campanha do Big é horrível, mas as outras campanhas fazem coisas muito interessantes nas fases, e a forma com que o jogo junta todas elas é muito legal.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles é o melhor Sonic, mas esse é o meu favorito, por muito, e eu considero que é uma das melhores transições de 2D pra 3D já feitas.

"Thank you so much for saving me! I still need some help, if you don't mind..."
>You're very welcome, happy to help!
>You're very welcome, what else do you need help with?
>Give me all your money or die