Really difficult to rate this one. The problems go beyond just the glitches are severe lack of polish. Terrible melee combat, wonky driving controls, and broken promises on mechanics make this title disappointing regardless.

Maybe can see my rating going up to a 3-3.5 after the game is fixed by late 2021, but not much more than that. And it is a damn shame, since there are glimpses of something really special here.


A great little indie RPG with an impactful story and lovable characters. The story, especially the final act, is great. The surreal moments and more artsy liberties were by far my favorite part.

Its one of those "so bad its good" when it comes to the story, characters, and dialogue, but mixed with some genuinely really fun light-gun, on-rails gameplay.

Such a fun spinoff/pseudo sequel. Combat is the best the musou series has ever done. Not a full fledged Persona game, but for what it is, I loved every second of it.

Really hard to rate this one for me. I thought the gameplay was great, fast paced, and fun. I enjoyed the play on the rogue-like formula here as well. Environments are beautiful, the rumble effects help with immersion, and the soundtrack is absolutely haunting.

However, the story is a bit of a mess. It is a mixture of lore and audio logs mixed with a vague backstory for our main character that we never fully get the answers to. While a lot of it is up to interpretation, I feel that it could have been presented better while still maintaining the "you figure it out" mentality.

Overall, I think this is a strong edition to the PS5 library. The gameplay is really fun and addicting. But if you're looking for the next story-driven game that Sony loves to put out, or are seeking a more put together plot rather that one you have to piece together and interpret yourself, this isn't the game for you.

The story is a damn rollercoaster towards the end. A really great followup to RE7. Is it better than RE7? Probably. It def says something when I binge an entire game in just two nights.

A pretty good game. Loved the story, world, and characters. The Legendary Edition also makes the game look really pretty for a game from 2007. However, wasn't a fan of the side mission/side planet design and structure. The weapon system of overheating was a bit annoying as well. A good start to the series.

Now to hope that Mass Effect 2 lives up to the hype!

A great game, but I've got so many more to play that I'm gonna have to shelve it for now. It is a ton of fun, tho a bit grindy. It is visually beautiful though and always makes me relaxed.

Improved so much from the original and then some. Amazing characters, great combat, engrossing world and story, and just plain fun and addicting to play. It is a perfect example of what a video game sequel should be. Got myself a game that I can say is genuinely one of my favorite RPGs.

A very solid 5-ish hour DLC. Lots of great stuff for fans of all things FF7. Very much worth $20 if you got the free upgrade of the full game.

Isn't the best remaster in the world, but thankfully some mods helped with things such as the soundtrack. This is still one of the best RPGs ever made, with an amazing battle system and a great, philosophical and meaningful story.

A very solid entry in the franchise, and one that I'd say is underrated. It does have a fair share of issues still in this remaster, but overall it was extremely enjoyable from start to finish.

I decided to rewrite this review because my opinions have changed a lot. My first playthrough, I thought this game was charming but not my thing. But now that I have completed the game 4 times, as well as played TSA, I think this is a satirical masterpiece of a game.

Travis is very clearly an exaggerated self-insert of Suda51 himself, which makes him such a likable protagonist. Travis' journey has been reflective of Suda51's own life and experiences, and I love every bit of it.

The story is ridiculous and a bit of a fever dream, yes. But theres so much satire and commentary poured into every bit of its run time. Making fun of Marvel, the game industry, and even Suda51's career and experiences are just a few of the things that this game goes for.

Not to mention that the gameplay is top notch. The combat is incredible. Simple, but extremely fun. It gives you enough tools to strategize and form huge combo totals in combat encounters. Bosses are the best the series has ever had as well. All of them are extremely memorable and fun to face.

I love every bit of this game. It just may be a new personal favorite of mine. I never understood Suda51, but now, consider me a member of the Suda51 church.

Finished the story mode and been playing the extras. I have only played the original Warioware, but I think this game is an excellent take on the formula. I love how you can pick and choose your favorite characters to play as, as well as how their playstyle affects the way you have to go about completing the microgames, which are all pretty fun and sometimes pretty challenging. An extremely addictive and fun as hell game for the Switch. I only wish there was 4 player for the story mode.

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A very solid entry in the series. It feels quite different from other entries in terms of pacing and tone, which was refreshing. The cases were very entertaining, tho I was a bit disappointed with the lack of big breakdowns and less "gotcha" moments where you catch "the true killer." It was still a great ride from start to finish though. Now to see if the sequel is as amazing as everyone says...