Toby Fox still got the sauce. Writing is just as good as undertale and deltarune part 1. Gameplay give you more reasons to spare people despite the game only having one ending. The new characters are all well-written and likable, shoutouts to my man birdly. But I figure that if you already know about undertale or deltarune, I don't really need to convince you that this is another banger.

Arguably does everything that Undertale did but better. The characters are great, the OST is phenomenal, the gameplay and battle system has some fun new refinements like bullet grazing and a party system, the game goes pretty hard ngl.

resident seavil. the voice acting is hilariously bad and the plot is also a journey and a half to say the least. The game is worth playing on those two merits alone imo. gameplaywise its like resident evil but with an air meter because things take place in an underwater research lab which is honestly a pretty neat setting. Won't win any awards but it was entertaining and memorable to me which is all I could really ask for from a game.

neat little small rhythm game where you make de de de bounce on drum drum drum. its just an extension of the mini game found in kirby triple deluxe, so play that first and then decide for yourself if you want more. The final song is actually quite challenging which is fun as a rhythm game enjoyer

oh my god they couldnt have made a worse game had they tried, but that's kind of why this game is so incredible. This game wears its low ratings like badges of honor imo. Legendarily kusoge. the EMPEROR of all kusoge. every other shitty game bows to this one as its king and leader, and for that I must continue to honor it by giving it the lowest score i can possibly bestow. You should definitely give this game a shot though just to see the wondrous trainwreck in action.

was bored so played through this. I was going to give this a 2/5 considering the fact that if you are a huge deal or no deal fan then the GBA port is an absolutely acceptable way to scratch that itch, but then i was reminded of all the plastic trash deal or no deal LCD games that i saw as a kid and realized this is no different than that, and compared to the rest of the library, is probably at the very bottom of the shovelware barrel. Deal or no deal is a game show where you pick briefcases to gamble potential money earnings. I used to watch it as a kid and it was enjoyable enough, so it makes sense to capitalize on it through shovelware. The game has a 20-second long unskippable scroll of legal text explaining how the game won't actually give you money every time you turn it on so that's pretty funny. The games contents include the main deal or no deal mode, a safe cracking mode, and a high/low mode, and all of them can be enjoyed entirely within 5 minutes so that's cool. The only way I could ever reccomend you play this is if you are absolutely bored, but even then there are better ways to kill boredom. The game is just nothing

It's cool that this game is a homebrew game boy game rather than being made on something like game maker, and that definitely gives the game part of its charm/appeal IMO. But other than that it is a pretty standard classic horror adventure game. Certainly a downer in terms of content, everyone is talking about death and nightmares and cult rituals all the time. I never really felt at ease while playing, which I guess is the mark of good horror, but I personally didn't like the vibes all too much. It goes for a more uncanny type of horror that I don't really vibe with. If you enjoy that kind of thing and want to try something a bit more retro-leaning, this is probably for you.

holy shit more of a time management sim than anything else. the escort AI is really dumb which can be frustrating, but once you learn the layout of the mall you should be good, all things considered. Not a big fan of how it ends though, eventually once I reached "the truth" i decided yep, frank found the truth and now hes gonna get the hell outta there, and i really just kinda skipped most of the late game stuff out of kinda exhaustion for the game. Lastly, your first run likely won't be your finishing run, as the game kinda expects you to reset with all your stats intact if you get stuck in a dead game. Overall, it's kinda flawed in a lot of ways, but if you enjoy killin zombies en masse and fighting various psychopathic bosses, then you can't really go wrong. Just not exactly the kind of game I'd personally pick for some relaxed entertainment.

games alright. its horny, but you already knew that. more of a gambling sim than a volleyball sim or even horny game than anything since you spend most of your game time gambling your money away. the game has an interesting reputation but i think that the "so horny that it couldn't be released in the west" claim is a lil wacky. the previous 2 games were released overseas plus we see shit like senran kagura come over here and that shits way trashier so i feel like koei tecmo could have brought this over, but instead chose not to. If you like gambling and/or tits, then give this game a try. if not you aint missin out on anything

Once again the DOA series comes at the launch of an xbox system and shows the world how cool games can look while also being a darn solid fighting game that I suck at. Theres also tits somewhere in there as well for those horny folk. Like a lot of other 3D fighters, this game doesn't take itself seriously with its characters and story and it's a lot of fun because of it. You can even play as a halo character which goes hard. shoutouts to my boy itagaki

Like what I said with DOA2 I don't really have a deeper intricate understanding of the mechanics to really say what's changed between this and previous games in the series, but it sure has a fancy new coat of paint! For an xbox launch title this looks freakin WILD dude if I was there I would have totally thought graphics couldn't get any better than this. There's also like weird bonus content you can unlock from demo discs for some reason so that's neat.

That was difficult. Definitely more grab and countery than its tekken and virtua fighter peers of its time, with buttons working as great "no u" cards you can use if you properly read the opponents attacks. That's fine and dandy in multiplayer but in singleplayer the AI just reads all your inputs and just no u's you the entire game. Or I'm just bad (the more likely scenerio) Like pretty much every other fighting game on earth, play with friends!

Is this the best version of DOA2? hell if i know. I do think that the fighting is fun and the game looks great visually so I certainly enjoyed myself with it. I don't really have a deep enough mechanical understanding of the DOA series to really delve any deeper than that.

i bought this for 50 cents to flip the steam cards and still feel ripped off. greatly desinged game guys. I can't tell if this game is just a lazy way to get cash or if it was an actual like first attempt at making a game. If it's the latter, then like okay fine I can cut it some slack, but if its the former helll nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

this one is definitely more of a time investment to get good at than ridge racer, as drifting is a lot more meticulous than that games simplistic control style thanks to it being manually gear-shifty-based. It makes this game definitely harder to get into because at first the car feels really stiff and unresponsive, but the more you play it the more you can get out of it as you slowly figure out what makes the car tick. That kind of depth is what all arcade games strive for, and this game has it in spades. Also the OST is legendary. DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO