THE MEME GAME TO END ALL MEME GAMES. this game has everything dumb that i enjoy in licensed video games. Licensed characters doing things they probably wouldn't in their worlds (we see woody shreddin andys room like nobodys business), outdated and blatant product placement (help the hip teens find their nokia ringtones!), all topped with the gigantic cherry on top which is the licensed soundtrack being disgustingly early 2000s pop music. We are talking like "DJ at an elementary school dance in 2003" energy. I can't hate it at all, in fact quite the opposite i actually can't get enough of this game. The gameplay borrows the engine and mechanics of the tony hawk pro skater games so it doesn't even play horribly and even runs at 720p on xbox! this game is based and i will hear nothing from the naysayers of the extreme skate adventure.

holy shit this game. Banger. It's extremely campy and stupid, but in all the ways that I like. The gameplay is this incredibly mixed bag of random things that the devs thought you could do with a wii remote, with some time crisis shooting and wii wheel driving thrown in there for good measure. The game basically involves you going through levels as a bunch of natural disasters occur around you and you gotta deal with em. The plot is this absolutely wild metal-gear esque cinematic nonsense that I loved every single second of. The unneccessary wii remote gimmicks keeping me constantly guessing what's gonna come next and the insane plot usually delivered with whatever wild expectations I had. It's a crime this was never released in america. Definitely a must play if you enjoy campiness.

Oh yep, this continues to be that good shit. Compared to Yumimi Mix, the previous game/OVA done by this team, we have a much more world-buildy type story where things aren't AS wacky as they are in Yumimi, and more that things are set up in order to properly flesh out the world that the characters live in, that world being one where dinosaurs roam around the earth and can be controlled by people through music. This game is also roughly half the length of Yumimi Mix, but that isn't to say theres less overall content. This one focuses a lot more on the replay, with a lot of scenes being downright missable, requiring multiple rewatches to truly see all there is to see in the funny dino world. And you should see those things because everything is once again beautifully hand drawn in gorgeous pixel art only this time even further enhanced thanks to the power of the sega saturn. All in all, a must-play/watch if you can understand japanese. Honestly even if you cant understand japanese there might even still be some worth in checking this game and its predecessor out if you are a fan of solid pixel art.

wow. So the pros first, since I do think this game is a bit too unfairly treated. This game is already interesting to me on principal due to it being an original xbox exclusive dino crisis game that literally nobody talks about, so the fact that it takes place in god damn SPACE with CYBORG MUTANT ZOMBIE DINOSAURS is the icing on the cake. The game graphically looks good, even if it goes a bit too hard into making EVERYTHING reflective, but I appreciate it. The plot is bonkers and could easily be described as what happens if you threw 2001 a space odyssey, alien, and jurassic park into a blender, so the game is constantly entertaining in that end. The game even has more action focused gameplay to distance itself even more from being just "resident evil with dinosaurs", which is cool. Where it all falls apart, unfortunately, is the camera. The camera in this game is probably one of, if not then THE worst camera i have ever used in a video game. Constant camera cuts and camera movement make navigating the already rather linear spaceship extremely disorienting, as there will be plenty of times where you get spun around unknowingly and go back the exact way you came. Combat also consists of mashing the shoot button and letting the extremely generous auto aim let you know if there are any enemies offscreen, and there usually are. The game as a whole is really entertaining to experience but not very fun to actually play. If the camera was better then I think this game would have a much better rep among people. Definitely not something i could honestly recommend, but if you are curious like me and kind of know what you are gonna get yourself into, this game can be a hell of a time.

This game definitely defied my expectations in a great way. Considering both the fact that this is one of the last fixed-perspective tank-controlling capcom games left that i haven't played, plus the fact that the first dino crisis didn't really leave any real impact with me besides "resident evil but the zombies are dinosaurs and the worlds are rendered in-engine instead of pre-rendered", I was semi-skeptical about what I was gonna play. I also knew that reportedly the game leans more towards the action side of things rather than the survival horror side of things, not really unlike RE in its future, but I didn't expect it to be at the level of "killing enemies gives you EXTINCTION POINTS, which increase with kill combos" and "YOU START THE GAME WITH LIKE 100 BULLETS" when it comes to action. This game is about just being dumb and fun and I'm all for it. I think this game is best enjoyed if you have at least some prior experience with other games of its ilk, such as the first 3 resident evils or the first dino crisis, so you can really see how this subverts like every expectation of that genre. All in all, this game was hella better than I was ever expecting it to be and will deffo be remembered for time to come. it is a very exciting feeling to personally be the meteor that made the dinosaurs extinct

Resident evil, but dinosaurs. It certainly was a resident evil like game, but with dinosaurs instead of zombies. It's cool that the levels are all actually rendered in game rather than being pre-renders like in RE, but other than that, yeah this kinda lacks a bit of an identity due to being SO similar to resident evil as a game.

this game has hella charm with its music, aesthetics, and characters. Gameplaywise though I think I like mario kart more, since that game seems to be a bit more hectic which makes it more exciting. I will also give this game huge props for being a racing game to have an adventure mode with a hub world and whatnot. The music is also REALLY DAMN GOOD. All in all, this games good, but not the mario kart killer some people say it is imo.

I literally played the whole DMC series for devil trigger and it did not disappoint. Deffo my favorite out of the series, since the characters are fun to play as, the writing and plot is as cheesy as ever, the game is visually breathtaking, and the OST is legendary. The climax of the game is also a high point of the entire series imo. Would strongly rec playing this game even if you havent played much DMC before, it goes that hard. playing as V gives you brain damage tho

neat little game, even if the last few levels arent that good. If you take it as a more seperated thing from the other DMC games it stands out in its own interesting ways, but I think I'd put this under 3 overall. Nero and his demon arm are pretty cool and dante has a lot of wackiness with his style switching and whatnot and the game has tons of vibes but i guess i wasn't really super digging the plot? there was some wackiness (the theatre scene is legendary) but it didnt seem like it stooped even closely to the same pool as 3 and later 5 does when it comes to nonsense. I'd still suggest playing it if you like DMC games, since the gameplay do be solid and this game does kinda introduce nero who would be a pretty important character in 5

When I first played this I was a bit disappointed due to the fact that all my friends were hyping this game up as some sort of turbo banger and its a pretty standard character action game, but honestly as time has gone by the fonder I look back on this one especially with its wacky weehaw pizza time shenanigans that we all know and love DMC for. If ya can, play this on switch since that version has a ton of cool upgrades like style and weapon switching on the fly and that probably makes the game go so much harder.

you know i asked myself "how can they make DMC bad" when everyone was saying how terrible this game was, and only now after having played it can i understand how. They made it boring. the guns lock enemies in place so you just shoot everyone and they die and thats it. visually and plotwise the game is still taking itself seriously so theres just a boring generic plot about demons and whatnot and frankly i didn't even care. theres another playable character you can play as and they deadass have their own disc of content but really who cares if the games just gonna be that boring yanno.

really not as good as i was expecting it to be, but thats probably because i was expecting something more along the lines of DMC3 and got something more akin to a resident evil game than anything else. Game punishes you heavily if you rely on items, so just pretend those things don't exist. the gameplay and plot set things up for the later games, but this is still in the era where the series actually takes itself seriously so things dont get too wacky pizza haha time here unfortunately. overall not something i can really reccomend, just start with 3 and pretend 1 and 2 aren't real its okay

FUCK YEAH TRAINS! this game is like the definition of "this shouldn't be fun, but it is". the train is a delicate maiden, and you must learn and understand how to properly wield it in order to get through the game in one credit. The game is a game about nuance and precision, as you gotta make sure your train accelerates, deaccelerates, and stops exactly where it needs to so you land your train precisely at the station precisely when you need to. if you miss the mark of where u stop by even a little bit, points are docked, if you miss the timing of the train by a few seconds, points are docked. This game demands perfection, which for most other games would make it frustrating, but considering this games arcade roots plus the fact a full train run is only a few minutes long, it becomes this really addicting game of slowly working your way to understand the train better and eventually get it to arrive on time in place. game is based, play it you don't even need jp knowledge

Fun little platformer. Gets compared to kirby a lot for some reason but I personally don't see it beyond the fluffy aesthetic. The game is also a lot wordier than I expected, and the characters are all kinda a bit self-centered which I certainly didn't expect. Visually the game is an absolute vibe as the worlds and setpieces are all fun and colorful. The levels are also a bit more mazelike and explorative than your traditional straight-shot platformer and levels really kinda seem to exist as setpieces for the story. The game doesn't have a complete english translation as of me writing this but the japanese is pretty simple so it's a relatively easy read. All in all, it's just a solid little fun time.


It's very hard for me to even begin to describe this game, you play as various different army vehicles as a gravure idol has grown to the size of a skyscraper and is wreaking havoc on japan, and you've gotta stop her. The game is incredibly low budget, just as most simple series games are, but if you are into wacky japanese game shenanigans, this game will not disappoint. My only gripe with it is it controls like absolute trash and the framerate is just about as consistent as it is in the earth defense force games on PS2, which is to say it's absolutely uncapped and can jump anywhere from 10 to 60 FPS and anything inbetween. I still can't hate it. sasuga tamsoft