The best Kirby game I've ever played, with Kirby Super Star Ultra coming close! I didn't think that I would like to play in mechanical armor this much.

One of the best 3D Mario platformers of all time and for good reason. The story, soundtrack, and gameplay are all top notches. I also love the sequel for the same reasons despite the lack of deep story.

Unpopular opinion: I prefer the atmosphere and gameplay in this game over the first one! I guess the sky cloud aesthetic just draws me in.

The very first video game that I was obsessed with as a young child! This and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time were my first few video games I've ever loved. This game is probably my least favorite of all the NSMB games. Not sure why!

Kirby 3D platformer demo in progress...

Good Kirby game! I can't say that it's my favorite, but for its time its gameplay mechanics are good! The Super Abilities are not my favorite gimmick due to its repetitive gameplay.

Solid Kirby game except that the Hypernova gimmick gets old very fast.

Nostalgia for this game! Forced motion controls were not it though!

Pretty fun Bejeweled game for being a DSiWare game! Although I do prefer Bejeweled Blitz more, this one comes close and utilizes the stylus and touch screen mechanics well!

Unpopular opinion, I prefer the Math version over the Arts & Letters just because I prefer math as a subject over English and writing!

Wii Play... more like Wii Tanks, since that was the only game worth replaying in this game.

The mechanics of this app are great! I am not finding myself playing this mostly because I am not much of a reader!

Fun game for a shovelware Disney game on the Wii!