Copy paste Zelda BOTW format and a weak ass story, I didn't like this game mainly because of how grindy it got and its gacha system made me less inclined to play. Also this game nearly blew up my computer.

This game was okay when I started it. Has so many bugs and basically I quit 30+ hours in because the game wiped my save from the face of the earth. I don’t think I’ll ever play this game again.

Great game. Had great visuals, thought the story was pretty good and I found it more compelling than it’s main title. Basically my same thoughts on Marvel’s Spider-Man apply here. I love Miles so it was hard not to like this game. The game is really short so it was pretty easy to 100% the game.

Haven’t played the remake but I think the PS3 version holds up pretty well all things considered.
Phenomenal game and deserves all the praise it gets.

This game is stupidly fun and I had a blast making coasters and my own theme park.

This game is overrated but still pretty good. Tells a good story but not as great or grand as Ocarina of Time. Thought the clock system was really fun but took a while for me to get used to. Has dark undertones I really enjoyed. The dungeons are cool but didn’t wow me. In terms of Zelda, this game was meh for me.

Also Ben Drowned.

This game is a great sequel and has an amazing story but goddamn the puzzles to this game sucked so bad. I almost quit because of them but would’ve missed out on its phenomenal story. The twist in the game took me by surprise and left me speechless for much of the game. This game would be 10/10 if it wasn’t for the puzzles.

edit: Holy shit theyre remaking it

Can’t believe this game got cancelled as it’s a great game that definitely deserves some type of remaster or remake. The idea of Wasteland and a world of forgotten toons is a really unique and fun concept. Loved it’s dark aesthetic especially as a Disney game. Some of the bosses scared the crap out of me as a kid. The controls are dated now, because it utilizes the Wii remote. The platforming is okay but the camera makes things so much worse.

Great game but I found it pretty forgettable. The idea of the houses were pretty cool and having different endings depending on one you chose. I always like the yellow house (I forgot the name of it).

I hate but love this game. This game makes me want to die but also gets me really addicted whenever I play it.

Traditional Gwent from the games is better. They added too many different cards that really make this not very fun to play. It would’ve been fine if they just stuck to the original card sets. Still had a lot of good elements but not something I’d ever play again compared to the traditional Gwent.

Great story and interesting ideas. This game definitely had some early Breath of the Wild concepts but was held back by its linearity. The remake fixed a lot of the original game’s issues and it really makes this game more fun to play. The dungeons are very good and the score in this game was some of my favorites from the entire Zelda series.

I wish this game was more. The world and feeling is everything I wanted in a Harry Potter game. I had a blast for the first couple hours but it very much fell flat after doing the side content. The main story wasn’t able to catch my attention and I only cared for Sebastian Swallow’s arc. The combat is really fun and easy to understand, spells are all really cool to use.

Hoping I’ll eventually get interested in this game again but I don’t see myself playing it in a while.

Best Persona game. Has a great philosophical themes and captivating story. The social links are great. My only issue with the game is it’s combat system and the receptiveness of Tartarus. Can’t wait for the remake.

Answer is not very good systematically but worth a shot trying to play through.

Best Zelda game of all time. Has a great hidden narrative about growing up and has the most tragic hero I’ve ever seen in the series. Just a very captivating and amazing experience. Game is a dated when it comes to graphics and design but still holds up pretty well.

Now I just mess around with randomizers in this game haha.