193 Reviews liked by korn_abliged

I pissed on a guy in a gimp suit, shot a police officer with a cat silenced shotgun and kicked Gary Coleman in the nuts. I love this game

A zombie got up so I ran to the safe room and cried.


I 100% this game twice just to get a photo of the better brother, absolutely worth it.


Played in 2013, thought it was fine. Played again 11 years later, it's now a little better than fine

Was fun for 10 seconds but kept playing for 6 years, Warcraft III better anyways.

7/10 for it’s time.

Even lawschool couldn’t have prepared me for this. I had a guide for the entire playthrough cuz I'm stupid


Unique and weird, but pretty good like Killer7

How the fuck does one recover from this.

The neighbours talk smack all the time, so it feels more realistic.


This game is perfect, there is no other game better than Picross 3D. It is the perfect game, better than Tetris even.

Is this game racist or do I need new friends? Either way 7/10

I shot a dude and he chased me through lobbies, that’s either dedication or just how boring this game really is.
