114 Reviews liked by kryst4line

Best demo of all time lmao played this shit all the day on the fuckin schoolbus while the older kids blasted eminem from the backseat

Its good for a 3ds game, but WiI and 8 are just better

Quite simple but very entertaining puzzle game that has you hooked like a Netflix series.
You always want "one more chapter"
The story it has is simple but it encourages you to collect everything and experiment with everything actionable
If you like puzzle games, I highly recommend this one to disconnect

Escribo la reseña dando el juego por "completado" en la versión Early Access habiendo maxeado a mi personaje al nivel 50, completado la Palpedia, machacado a los Pals Alpha y por supuesto, los boses de las torres del sindicato Rayne.

Palworld no es mi primer juego survival pero hasta ahora es el único que puedo decir que he disfrutado y en su mayor parte ha sido por no haberlo jugado solo por una vez. El mismo día del lanzamiento un grupo de amigos y yo nos metimos de lleno en este juego sin saber absoputamente nada de el, ni de que nos íbamos a encontrar, nada. Empezamos entre todos una partida cooperativa pero no tardamos nada hasta que una amiga crease un server dedicado privado para poder explotar el juego y para citándola en su reseña, es la mejor experiencia que se puede sacar del juego. De hecho, hay varias anécdotas que voy a guardar como si fueran oro como la vez que fuimos a enfrentarnos a Jetdragon (uno de los bichos mas tochos del juego) para ayudar a un amigo a capturarlo, que este se quede casi *ded por ello y como al lanzarle esferas pal de nivel medio para distraer al bicho y que no siga atacando, acabase atrapándolo yo por accidente al segundo intento después de que este amigo le tirase que... 20 esferas de nivel max?
Como esa tengo unas cuantas y esto es lo que ha hecho que jugar Palworld mereciese completamente la pena, las risas que nos hemos echado.

Como juego survival no tiene absolutamente nada especial o innovador que digas que es revolucionario para su estilo de juego, de hecho de todos los survivals que he jugado es simploncete pero quizás por eso mismo es por lo que nos ha tenido tan enganchados llegando a meterle por mi parte sesiones de entre 8 u 11 horas durante casi un mes entero.
En conclusión, si quieres meterte a un juego survival con amigos este está muy bien para empezar.

Los Porsche turbo y los coches de la carrera final del Enthusia Life son el jodido demonio sobre raíles (literalmente)

I wasn't gonna play this Disney Manufactured Stage Based Runner Featuring Dead Franchise (which I actually love, the first Tron movie fucks), because you look at it and you know exactly what kind of run-of-the-mill experience you're gonna get.


It's kinda sad that this is THE ONLY game with a fully-fledged OST by Giorgio Moroder (and Raney Shockne), and it's more frustrating considering the fact that it's the ideal match up: Tron, videogames and Giorgio Moroder. The stars aligned for the perfect combo and it was all for a goddamn runner. It's a disappointment on the same level as getting Daft Punk to score Tron: Legacy, a movie so forgettable I've only heard people talk about the OST.



"La nube tarda dos horas en ir de un lado de la pantalla al otro" como concepto jugable.

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Best game ever

Oh yeah I love to play the same stage 4 times and play for the same session of the stage 5 times for 10 minutes straight.

A guilty pleasure of mine. I went back to it for no reason, and completed it on one evening. I'm aware of its lesser aspects, yet I have played it way too many times.

This game is an insane!!
I have been playing for +138 hours and seeing so much content, the dynamics, the exploration, the crafting, the species... encourages you to continue exploring and improving your base, equipment and get more palmons!!

This game has positioned itself as one of the most played games on my steam (the first is rocket league)
Nothing like this has ever happened to me, that a survival game hooks me so much to the point of saying "well, now I'm going to go for this and then for that..." It's very well run (removing the bugs, but that makes funny things happen and you laugh more than get angry about it)
I was so hooked and waiting for new content
Excellent game to play both: alone and with people (I recommend better with people)
Seriously, give it a chance, it has a lot of potential because I don't usually like survival games but I recommend this one because you always have something to do and it is very pleasant to play it with company!

Le volveremos a dar una rejugada cuando salga la 1.0 este año, pero creo que 61 horas de juego en 3 semanas lo dice todo jajaja

Totalmente recomendable, ojo, para jugar con gente, se hace mucho mas ameno

RIP in peace, for the longest time I had an 80% win rate using just the first second

I was so pleasantly surprised by this game!

The only experience I'd had with the series previously was Rhythm Heaven Fever for the Wii and I enjoyed it enough, but I wasn't sure how the series' worldwide debut would compare.

As a Rhythm game there are really two critical elements that need to be nailed for a satisfying experience: the music needs to be good and the controls need to be responsive enough that losing feels fair. Needless to say, Nintendo SPD nailed both. The tracks in the game vary in terms of how fleshed out the music is, but I always found them catchy and it was always easy to understand what beats the game wanted me to hit. This was in no small part due to the call-and-response style that the game sticks with throughout its run time. The controls are simple and responsive: tap the touch screen and/or flick it depending on the action required. I never felt like my inputs were missed or registered without me touching the screen.

With the fundamentals out of the way, why else do I love this game so much? For one, the game has a sense of absurd humor that pervades everything from the characters (the chorus boys are by no means the wackiest cast members) to the game over screens. Visually, the game is also stunning: all of the pixel art is crisp and the polygonal elements are used sparingly. Once you've explored the rest of the game, there's side content that's pretty engaging but is obviously meant as a distraction.

Something worth mentioning is that the DS is held on its side, like a book, for the entirety of the game. Some games adopted this as a gimmick but I feel like it genuinely enhances the experience of the game here by making the flicking motion much less restricted.

This game also deals with difficulty in a fascinating way. After playing for a certain length of time, a level you've previously beaten is highlighted and you're incentivized to shoot for a perfect score on it. However, the catch is that you only get 3 tries after which another level gets highlighted. This ups the stakes when you're going for completion and de-incentivizes grinding a particular level until you happen to get one perfect run by chance.

Anyone who has a DS owes it to themself to give this game a go. If you're into rhythm games or love the absurdist humor of the Wario Ware series you have even more reason to check this gem out.

Provavelmente o pokemon que eu mais joguei na minha vida e o primeiro tb. Não sou um enorme fã dessa geração de pokemons, mas gosto demais desse jogo.