Completed a playthrough shortly after release. A buggy mess that was occasionally visually fun. William Gibson was mostly correct. Even at its height, it wasn't that interesting - and the best moments were when CD Projekt Red delivered its signature B-stories (e.g. the reunion concert). Crashed my PS5 a couple of times. Great soundtrack, as usual.

Played with a group of friends in sporadic, intense bursts since release. My first exposure to Paradox games, and have been a happy convert ever since given I had exhausted my love affair with Civilization and other 4X games. The high space opera concept and setting of Stellaris is my favorite of Paradox's catalog, but it easily remains the virtuoso studio's most incomplete and unbalanced game.

This review was written before the game released

The best version of Runescape, even though I barely play any iteration anymore. But it ain't over until I can't login to lumby.

More or less finished my time with Minecraft around 2014 after an amazing 3 years. It'll probably remain installed in some form on my PC for as long as Windows is around. Probably the single most impactful game of the decade, and the effect on future generations of games remains to be seen.

Played a couple hours.

Eh, not for me. It's too big of a world, with too many tasks to do and combat not enticing enough (but I admire the true variety and detail put into the different classes and styles). Often marketed as a single player game perhaps with instancing, but I think Capcom should commit to calling it an MMO. It's one of the best MMOs out there when stop and think about it, and it'd set better expectations for players, too: it's soo grindy on your own.

Never was super into WoW, but I think this was the best expansion.

Completed the first time some time in the summer of 2010. Played through again some time later, and quite a bit online.

It's like David Cage simulated himself 10 times and cobbled together the script from each of his clones' fever dreams. Every cliche, every trope, every unintentionally hilarious French video game aesthetic instance is thrown together in a Unreal Engine 5 decision tree demo.

That being said, definitely his best game. But one playthrough is more than enough. I'm boycotting Quantic Dream after this; the unskippable cutscenes made me want to kill myself a few times.

Also, great soundtrack.


One of the greatest VNs ever ;)

Writing decreases in quality as you get towards the end, as there is only so much verbiage you can use to describe "nothingness" (or conversely, political philosophy in a neutral, fully developed way).

Downloading the Disco Explorer mod and setting running speed with a 2x multiplier is almost essential - otherwise movement around the map is a real slog.

You have no idea how cool I felt this was when I first discovered it back in the day.

Heh, been online since 2005. I'll won't be done until Jagex says so. Rating reflects RS3.

Fond memories of the naval gameplay, still a perfect melding of Sid Meier's Pirates and the later singleplayer-focused Black Flag mechanics to come some years later. A shame it was taken offline. It crashed my friend's juiced up mac once.