First playthrough is mindblowing, but every playthrough since is exhausting 9/10 for the first runthourgh 5/10 for everyone since

Don't know why people don't like this one

The same good thing from the game but like better, truly the best pokemon experience

The same good simple rpg but modernized, probably the best starting place

First time since emerald the pokemon world feels alive

The new things they added were pretty cool, but still is Johto and that unfortunately couldn't be fixed

Bogged down by slow runtim and a bad set of new pokemon

The most pure pokemon experience

Why did the internet have to ruin it

It really is as good as people say

I cried like five times my god it's so good

Take everything that made the first one good and just don't this time

Very classic 90s rpg that absolutely shouldn't have turned into the biggest thing in the world