13 reviews liked by lakeyss

Quite possibly the closest thing to a "perfect" game you can get.
A complete experience with vastly improved combat, a thrilling story, an amazing cast, and fantastic music.
Note how I said it's the closest thing and not it is the perfect game, the game suffers from overwhelming the player with different content that's huge and it throws off otherwise great pacing. For example the resort and Kiryus personality stuff, while fantastic things, throw the pacing off and it takes a bit for it to get back on track alongside having dual parties with different levels that you have to constantly catch up to each other.
Pleasantly surprised by the more balanced approach to grinding for levels and equipment though, I was able to grind for both in under an hour any time I felt under leveled.
This is the greatest Turn Based JRPG to come out in a long while and I'm happy they stuck to it, I see no way to make a Kasuga focused Ryu Ga Gotoku game any better than what they have done here.


"And on the third day, god made the kaito files"

The book of genesis

Pretty fucking horrible patch. Endwalker has been one lackluster or bad update after another but this is the first to make me unsub in two years. Awful story direction and nothing to do outside of raiding have plagued this expansion since 6.1 and this might be the worst example of it. At least the Pandaemonium finale was pretty good?

finally this expansion is over

The heart and soul poured into this title by devs who knew this was the last shot Fire Emblem would have before being canned alone makes this an amazing title and I will not stand for Awakening slander

Very close to being the perfect game. The switch to turn based combat breathed life into a franchise that was getting stale, Along with a Protagonist that shows a lot of emotion and has such a creative imagination this gave the developers a opportunity to create over the top situations without having to rely too close to reality.
The combat honestly has issues, the pathfinding for characters and the stiffness of it stops this from being the perfect game.

Just go find it bro not that hard

Played it when I was in high school, so I'm not a pedophile. I don't regret playing it; gacha is really addicting and the musics are also very cool. I'm now addicted to League of Legends and don't give a fuck anymore about idols