When I was a kid my aunt bought me the strategy guide for this game after I got Oracle of Seasons for Game Boy. She offered to return the guide and get me something else but I was like nah bro I fucking want this game so bad I’m gonna get it eventually

Finally beat this one after growing up with it. Lovely game - simple, easy to understand action with surprising depth to the movement and great music and sound effects. Can’t recommend this one enough, especially if ya want something co-op to chill with

I definitely burn through like three of the daily puzzles each day and then I’m like well. I don’t really feel the need to play any of the other ones. Decent daily alternative to a NYT (if the pricing is competitive - I got into Puzzmo early and just bought a permanent license) but if we’re being totally honest you get wayyyyyyyy more out of the NYT sub if you’re trying to play more than one crossword in a day.

I’ve been playing this for a couple years, and there is no other sudoku for me. The only game that actually enables you to improve at sudoku. Lovely UI.

This game is just fantastic. It has the familiar Love-De-Lic combination of comedy and despair, and it’s probably impossible to beat without a guide. But the manual (available on archive.org) has a guide sufficient to solve most of the tougher challenges, and if you do your best to avoid a guide you can still do a lot of the stuff in the game. You have to be patient, though. This is a game that asks you to spend a lot of time waiting and watching, and (especially early on) it’s not afraid to game over you several times in a row. But the gameplay works with the game’s themes really well, and this shit is just vibe city. Play it! Use a guide when you get stuck! Be patient!

This game is transcendental and people who disagree either never skateboarded or never made music. The plot is honestly one of the most everyday relatable in any video game, and it has some of the best pure Tony Hawk (level design, lines, mechanics) in the whole THPS franchise. This is the Skate 2 of Tony Hawk. If you don’t like it, you don’t get it or you’re a straight up hater.

Definitely baby’s first ace attorney. Hilariously uncharming. Terrifically unfunny.

Really cute, short lil RPG that’s just a pleasant time. Some of the dialogue is kinda weird, but it maintains those patterns throughout the game in a way that feels intentional. If you wanna kill five hours or less with a complete (albeit fairly simple) SNES RPG experience, this is a great choice for you.

After some frustration with some of Yakuza 0’s combat encounters I was worried I’d have similar issues here, but I found it a much smoother experience this time. Probably just got better at the combat tbh, but without that obstacle I had a perfectly pleasant time with this whole game (apart from one fight against a Double Gun Guy; feels like they throw these guys in just cuz they can, and it’s just as frustrating here as it is in Judgment, but this time it’s only one fight lmao)

Really great. Takes the first game’s formula and polishes it. Just feels great to run and jump around in this game, they nailed their aesthetic, and it doesn’t overstay its welcome. Lovely game.

Ends kind of abruptly, but it feels really good to play.

Interesting lil Zelda-type. The overall progression is definitely not much compared to a solid Zelda game (you don’t get the kind of freedom and sense of wandering adventure you would in a mainline Zelda title), but it does some cool stuff mechanically and it has its charm. Definitely likes its casual racism, though. Worth a go if you’re interested in Zeldalikes and can get past that stuff.

Really solid, fun little rogue-like-lite that has an interesting gameplay loop and a surprising amount of variety given how simple the gameplay is at its core. Definitely easy to pick up and play whenever ya wanna kill some time without getting super invested in a game.

This game has potential but ultimately fails to live up to it. The gameplay loop starts feeling repetitive by the time you’re halfway through the game, and the absence of even a single believable (or likable) character makes getting through the story a slog. Would have been cool to see what they did with a sequel, though - the gameplay is actually solid, just too repetitive, and they don’t give you any good reasons to really engage with the game. I chewed on it mindlessly like a bucket of popcorn til I hit the finish line.

I love to imagine a version of Phantom Pain that’s more like Ground Zeroes, with a handful of smaller, deeper open areas that function similarly to Hitman levels. This one and TPP definitely go for a darker tone that feels kinda unearned given the history of the series, but besides that this game is solid. Metal Gear Solid. Lmao