Definitely has that gacha slime to it, but I'll be real - I've played worse. I'm like a pre-boiled frog.

Nice management game with tears for flavor

This game makes me glad I don't know anyone that cares much about pokemon irl. You are all so annoying, god bless.

highly recommend playing handheld with a cheap tablet stylus. really recreates the feeling of frantically tapping the DS touchscreen

this rating isn't even for the game, it's for sylvando

definitely not a game for everyone, but stellar at being the kind of game that it is. 400 hours later and my island still looks like shit. can't wait for the 2.0 update and DLC to ruin my chances at playing any other game this year

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the puzzles are great, the plot is ridiculous, once again my daughter flora is treated like garbage.

nearly stopped playing when, after she went off on layton for leaving her totally alone in london without telling her where they went or when they'd return, layton ditched her AGAIN. buddy she's a child and you're her legal guardian! unfathomable choice to have the protagonist be a terrible pseudo-father to the kids he's responsible for.

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the key mystery reveals in this game are more ridiculous than the first.

this is also the beginning of my frustration with how flora gets treated in the original trilogy (i haven't played the second trilogy yet). first they try to ditch her in london, then she just got left in a barn and nobody seemed all that concerned? layton, you're her legal guardian - can you at least pretend to care?

was just hoping for an enjoyable time with puzzles, but the plot genuinely managed to surprise me!

Absolutely loved Dimitri's route, eventually I'll come back to play one of the others when I have a spare 100 hours lmao

the opening message of the game telling you to grab a drink isn't kidding, this game is chill as hell. the characters and their individual stories are all great, though i didn't find myself as interested in the overarching plot or world tbh. the soundtrack is 10/10

charming puzzle platformer. not difficult but relaxing to figure out how to finish the levels

beautiful visual puzzles, surprisingly atmospheric

art was very pretty and the puzzles were simple but still satisfying enough to move through. if playing on switch, i'd recommend playing handheld with a tablet stylus.

toby fox could make anything and i would probably play it. he could announce deltarune is scrapped tomorrow and he's going to make a totally unrelated dating sim instead and i'd be like "sick can i preorder"