388 Reviews liked by lemonlimebeats

I liked the loading screens because they require no skill which of course I have a lot of

Wow another 10/10 from nintendo I love the part mario jumps

misleading title, game didn't run in 50 FPS

I am completely biased in saying this, but even with some of Prime's innate flaws not being remedied (wacky backtracking, chozo artifacts, the chozo ghosts), it's still an incredible game. This might as well be the textbook definition of "graphics that look like how you remembered them", and that's surprisingly fine by me. If you haven't played Prime yet, I don't know what to tell you, except that now is probably a prime opportunity. Yeah, that one physically hurt to type, I'm sorry.

this is just one of those games, the kind of game that going in you just know is already regarded as a masterpiece and you fully expect that praise to reach to you too and it simply just does. this game is amazing, can't even recall many specific issues at all. swagness overload

Samus is lot hotter in her armor than in the zero suit tbh. She could be a wolf girl under there for all I know.

okay i have now completed a 100% playthrough of this bad boy and i gotta say: nintendo greenlit a remaster that's GOOD? it plays better than the original?? runs better? looks amazing? did someone do this behind their back or on a computer not connected to their servers. that is the only explanation for this being leaps and bounds better than the anemic 3D All-Stars. Metroid got a better remaster than MARIO, that's insane. Prime was one of the best looking games on the Gamecube and is now one of the best looking games on the Switch.

The actual game is preserved Metroid Prime goodness, you even have the original control scheme as an option along with customizations to tailor it to your playstyle. You can unlock the beautiful Metroid Prime concept art, listen to the kickass OST, and even adjust the helmet effects that define Metroid Prime if you're a sicko.

This is one of the most lovingly crafted remasters ever, that recaptures everything that made Prime so awe-inspiring, but plays so beautifully they honestly could just drop the "remastered" from the title and convince someone this game is brand-new entirely.

They should've called this a remake, because everything about this version of the game feels fresh and modern. This is about the slickest version of the game you could ask for, and it runs buttery smooth in both handheld and on the TV. This is how to do a re-release of one of the greatest games of all-time.

It is absolutely insane to me that we've started this year off with two shadow drops that fuck so hard

Me, normally: My stupid dumb ass switch is just a paper weight at this point, piece of shit underpowered console run by a shit company who makes games for toddlers.

Me when Metroid Prime Remastered comes out: Here's 40 Dollars Sir! May I Shine Your Shoes? Let Me Hang Your Coat Up Mr. Nintendo!

this was my first time playing anything in the prime series, and it simply is just one of the best game ever made.

Erases representation for the most oppressed minority: left handed people

Commentary on how capitalism forces us to fight each other when we can team up to accomplish great things portrayed through the lens of two groups of people violently competing for resources on an island for no reason