8 reviews liked by lensoo

The most important aspect of any platform fighter is that it should feel good to navigate around platforms.

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the best part of this game was seeing the "we are the yakuza 4" gif

Tried my best to see this game through, but it just didn't have the charm or whimsy of an actual Pokemon game.

It may carry a better visual fidelity than any Pokemon game to date, but with plenty of bugs and performance issues, it's not leaps ahead on the technical side.

The fact that Pals don't evolve lessens the partnership and bond aspect and they simply become another resource in another paint-by-numbers survival experience.

It is still in early access so there's plenty of time to turn it into an incredible experience. Those stating it sets a new standard for monster-catching games are either severely out of touch with the Pokemon franchise, or have simply wanted a similar experience on their non-Nintendo platform and are using the opportunity to throw stones from a glass house.

It's not pokemon with guns. It's ARK survival Evolved with pokemons. Even the progression system is lifted from Ark.

There's not a single original bone in this game, and I think that's ok. Even the UI is a ripoff of DEATH STRANDING of all things.

But as a survival game, it's quite enjoyable and much more approachable than Ark, Conan exiles, and maaaybe Valheim, because the whole point of the base is to have it automated by the pals.

Gameplaywise, it's serviceable at best, it takes ohours to get to a proper gun and everything in between the Bow and the handgun feels super slow.

It's a hit game just because of the memes, not because it's a great game.



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