180 Reviews liked by lucalamnn

First persona game i ever played, and i loved, imo one of the best games i ever played, the gameplay is great, the ost is a banger, story is great, characters are perfect.

i was so hyped and the game surpassed my expectations!

Sometimes this game will flip a coin and it will either add something to one of the best mysteries ever or something that makes you wanna claw your brain from your skull.

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This game's damn fun. Played the original, loved it, and wanted to give this one a go. While a lot of the characters feel a little underbaked (not much "screwing around" time spent with them outside of the Fiesty Five), there are a lot of genuinely compelling moments. Both the endings I got, pacifist and neutral, were really good. Art and music are both gorgeous and the animation even exceeds the original in some ways. Good work, UTY team!
Proud to say I beat it without the update btw. Everybody complaining about the difficulty should probably get good.

this game makes me very sad. i want to like it because underneath all of the mechanical jank and not very well done storytelling, there is a thing that is good and is likeable, it's just really hard to do that when kiryu is completely neutralized by the ai just guarding lmao. and yeah sure it's not that big of a problem when it's against normal enemies or minibosses, but in actual boss fights it feels terrible because they will 90% of the time just shake of the grab. i don't like it, it's really not enjoyable at all

as for the story, i think like half of the moving parts to the mystery are just incredibly uninteresting, and probably should have been done differently

i WILL however, give it points for having mine be an actually really fucking cool villain, anyways, i am going to promptly be playing 4 since it's apparently 10x better than this game

Extremely funny and scary in equal measure, with some fantastic game design at its core. Missing longterm progression, but that matters little when a session is this fun.

A phenomenal experience with friends, but I honestly can't really give the game itself full credit for that. Currently it feels like it's still in alpha, and doesn't really have enough meat on its bones to continue being fun long-term. Game's funny as hell but I feel like that's mostly just a byproduct of all games being more fun with people you like.


Too much gay sex with charles and arthur

I just realized I haven't written a review about one of my most favorite games of all time, so here goes.

Katana Zero. I once saw this game in a video about "unknown indie games" and this one was what piqued my interest the most. I am a huge indie game fan and even if at the time I hadn't played many, I knew I was gonna have fun with this one. The gameplay looked really fun, the music was amazing and the concept about being basically a hitman, but instead clearing out entire buildings seemed really cool to me. What I did not expect going in was to get attached to the characters, let alone love the story as much as I do as to praise it as one of gaming's, if not fiction's, greatest. Everything down to the very last minute detail was an extreme joy to witness as I was slowly progressing through the game. Not to mention the little tiny comedy sequences in the game still are some of the most memorable moments in gaming for me. What I expected the least however is for the game to leave me speechless, confused and down right shocked with the ending. I could go on for hours on end why this game is brilliant and why Justin Strander is a genius of storytelling, but not even that would do it justice.

If you haven't played the game yet, please do so. You may not come out as satisfied as I did, but you will definitely come out with an experience to be remembered.

"Twenty-eight years in that godforsaken jungle. Killing soldiers wasn't so bad... I hardly remember it."

To really enjoy the game you need to have a slight idea about the Abbasid Empire and the history behind it. To live in that age and experience the history firsthand is one of a kind experience. The game is not exciting as the other games but i’de give it 10/10. Cause not only did I enjoy the game but I learned something about the arab history. 10/10
And oh, im on arab so i was really excited to see a game about our history.

Clearly unfinished in a lot of areas

A beautiful love letter to one of the greatest gaming franchises.

I pray to god Ubisoft let this studio make an AC game from the ground up. Everything people wanted is here but it's still held back because it had to be built from the bones of Valhalla, they did the best with what they had and if they have the chance a game without those restrictions it could be one of the best AC games.