180 Reviews liked by lucalamnn

An okay attempt at bringing back an old form. No matter the strengths or weaknesses that come with it.

Excellent sequel to a great game, pretty much everything I said about the first game applies here, I also love the setting. God these games just make me so comfortable, also this is the last thing Cing published before they went bankrupt, I'm a big fan of their work so y'know, glad they got to release this in English before that happened atleast, this game didn't get to release in US cuz of this but it was released in PAL atleast

best DR fan filter
basically no better way DR could have gone out

There is something remarkably unique about jRPGs on the Nintendo DS. They transport me to the chillest state of mind ever, as if I was a kid again, playing games without any worry in the world.

Do you feel that way as well?

Anyways, this era of gaming is really interesting to me, because we were transitioning from niche-hobby thing to bigger-than-cinema kind of deal, so we could afford games that were created with true passion, while experimentation was the rule of the game (no pun intended), instead of mindless generic games for the masses or triple As that tried to be revolutionary, but were just dumbed-down.

Radiant Historia shows an interesting take on the time-traveling trope, portraying more adult characters involved in a very political plot. The character design, music, and graphics scream 2000s bliss and it is a definitive time capsule of that era.

If you like some twist and strategy in your jRPG combat, a good story with some exploring to do, but with little to no grinding to be able to progress through the story, look no further.

Beautiful, moody, unique, beautiful artstyle game, I love it to bits and I love Kyle Hyde and Mila a lot. Definately a gem on the DS and what made me a fan of Cing!

This actually made me want to be a lawyer once upon a time. I slowly realised that it is nowhere fun like in the game.

This game had all the makings to be my favourite Ace Attorney game. No psychic shenanigans. The music being the best the series has ever produced (in the four games I've played thus far). Some absolute bangers are finding them straight into a spotify playlist ASAP. This game also has my favourite supporting character in an Ace Attorney game, a Mr. Herlock Sholmes. He is fucking hilarious and grew on me far more than I initially expected. By the end of the third case I was convinced that this would top Trials and Tribulations as my favourite game in the series. However it loses a lot of enjoyment in one place in particular; very slow pacing.

Thankfully once each case gets going my grievances tend to fade away, but there are some parts in the investigation periods particularly where I just wanted things to hurry along. Also during trials some of the solutions would be glaringly obvious but you had to spend 3 minutes to let the in game characters to come to very obvious conclusions. However when this game gets good, the case is in its final stretches, the music is blaring, objections reigning out from each side, the game really scratches that Ace Attorney itch.

Gameplay wise this game also felt a lot more engaging, being able to interact and spin around pieces of evidence to discover clues that actively would be used to turn trials around, most notably an ENTIRE FUCKIN' BUS being evidence in which you can explore. My only real grievance with the mechanic would be that you don't get an indicator to show you've examined a particular area when dealing with evidence. This means that at times during trials I would miss a clue thinking I'd already pressed on that particular prompt. There is also the deductions of Herlock Sholmes which conceptually interested me but often went on longer than I wanted them too. The jury system also was a surprising addition but one that added to the gameplay. Summation soundtrack SLAPPING also helped.

Overall I really liked the game. The music is really freaking good. If you can tolerate some pacing issues here and this game is well worth playing.

Fuck plot or mechs all my homies plays for Tsukasa Okino

Absolutely enthralling from start to finish.

I wouldn't say 13 Sentinels has the best writing or story I've seen, but the way it's presented is absolutely fantastic. Mushing every sci-fi trope together and making this giant amalgamation of plot twists that only increases how confused you are. I loved piecing the story together and trying to figure out the order everything took place and having to rearrange my entire brain when something new got revealed.

I've gotta shout out the English voice acting in this game because MAN did they do good. Usually, I'll try and listen to the English voices for like an hour and switch to Japanese but the voice acting here is stellar.

The battles are pretty whatever since they're so easy, but they serve to give you some fucking fire songs and usually a funny interaction or two after a battle. EXCEPT FOR THE FINAL BATTLE THAT WAS PEAK!!!!

I don't think it's perfect as I didn't really like how some of the characters were handled compared to others. Though, it's kind of impossible to give anything lower than a 9/10 when I think about how much of the story stuck in my mind as I tried to piece together events.

If you can sense any form of soul, you will be forced to kneel to this game at some point. If you like sci-fi and visual novels DEFINITELY check this out.


this is some good ass shit right here.

this is what a real game looks like.
we stay winning, acbros...

This review is outdated. I'm choosing to leave it up for the sake of preserving my previous opinion on it. My current review can be found at the following link:


fun to goof around in but ultimately pretty shallow, especially as an rpg. I wish this game actually had dialogue options rather than railroading you into a specific character. of course, there are multiple endings but you can't really make v a fundamentally different person on your way towards them which sucks super hard. it's kind of sad that new vegas did the whole thing better 10 years ago. yes, that game is far less detailed than cyberpunk but y'know what? less is more sometimes and new vegas actually ends up feeling like more a lot of the time. I see it the same way I see telltale games. role playing games aren't about getting radically different outcomes, but rather the kind of person you choose to be on your way there. this game has too much going on in all the wrong places and not enough time was spent on any of it. no amount of post launch updates can redeem an underwhelming main quest and cyberpunk definitely does not whelm.

Hey erm I don't know if you know this but the story is actually really fwikken good dude, like dude it's so good. But fr this is still one of the only games where PPL DONT KNOW EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE WHEN YOU GET SPOTTED, YOU CAN BE GETTING SHOT AT AND SNEAK TO ANOTHER COVER AND THEY DONT KNOW. WHAAT. This game makes shooting 3 ppl more intense than any other game shooting 15.

Fantasy should never be written by anyone who thinks poetry is lame.
(Poetry is lame, it's just that fantasy writers aren't allowed to know that)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 is my favorite game of all time for a multitude of reasons.

There is just one word to describe Galaxy's 2 soundtrack: ICONIC.
No other game does it like the Galaxy series, and Galaxy 2 manages to even be better than the first one.

SMG2 is one of the longest games I've ever played if we count the post-game, the green stars, the additional stars, the Hungry Luma areas, this making a total of 242 Stars, that are equal to hours worth of fun.

The addition of Yoshi and the various fruits to this sequel adds a lot, he's fun to control especially with motion controls, where it can even feel quite challenging sometimes, but easy to master!
If you see a Yoshi egg in the level, you already know it will be a good time.

I've replayed this game around 6 times, hence why it's difficult for me to even express how I feel about it without accidentally forgetting something, since it has so much to offer.
I love this game, considering it's also a very special one since I've always played it with my mom back then in 2010, so it brings some memories out, especially the OST!

If you didn't play it, what are you waiting for?
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a masterpiece, indubitably the best game I've ever played, and I'm sure it will be yours too.