i distinctly remember exchanging this for fallout 3 cuz it was ass

the announcer breathes so much life into this game and it's sequel, and such a feature is likely never to return due to budget and workload concerns with all the different localizations and the sheer amount of pokemon, so when playing it again as an adult it's weirdly what i appreciate most about the game

p.s. fuck dratini annoying ass pokemon

outdoes the original ds game in every way, from visuals to soundtrack to gameplay

i remember the exact place i was when this game made me cry my 11 year old heart out, will probably cry again when i finish DX

OST slaps way harder than it has any right to, catch me vibing in oak's lab

OST 10/10, replay value 10/10, sometimes the controls are frustrating but it's katamari what are u gonna do

pls do a port on modern consoles bamco my ps3 hdd sounding crunchy af

has a difficulty curve strong enough to have to give considerable thought to my strategies and team comp in the late game even replaying it as an adult, something not really seen in these games anymore

he jump
what more do u want

11/10 masterpiece, play it and enjoy the ride (don't go to aquas tho that place sucks)

now do Katamari Forever next u cowards

least favorite pokemon game of all time, characters are terrible, UI looks awful beyond belief, the only mainline entry where I lost interest before making it to the elite four. the most fun I've gotten out of the game has been writing this review :)

fun with a friend, dialogue and story, eh

characters are completely insufferable, gameplay is an improvement over 3

no reason to play this version of the game other than the title screen music

part of the main story quest bugged out so I couldn't beat the game lmao