One of the best games I've ever played and surely the best action RPG I played. It has flaws/bugs, but, for me, it's still perfect

I just couldn't play more than 5~10 hours. Just not fun and very buggy, and the dialogue scenes are bad.

It's a good Pre-sequel, but surely not better than Borderlands 2.

The best remake for one of the best PS games.

Best FPS I've ever played. It's fast-paced combat and cool arsenal makes the gameplay very good, and even better when you master your skills with the weapons. DOOM Eternal is definitely a great game, but if you want a good story / with focus on the story DOOM is not for you. The thing you'll se for 99% of the time is "rip and tear untill all the enemies are killed".

Complete masterpiece,
Everything the original does good - Royal does it better
Everything the orignial does bad - Royal fixes it
And also adds so much new great stuff. Hope Persona6 gets to Royal's level or better.

It is a fun rythm game, but bc of it's flashing lights I always got headaches when I played (and I don't have any medical restrictions, the game was just too much for me, I guess)

The game is ok, gameplay is ok, but I think it's story is bad and the game forces the player to play stealth at many many times during the campaign, even one of the tutorials being "Play the way you like".

One of the best games of all times.
Shadow of the Colossus was one of my first games for PS2 and I can't forget how awesome it is. Has been over 10 years I first played this and no other game made something like it.

A good game. It has a fun, yet short (really short), campaign. The ending is bad, but the gameplay/gunplay are awesome.

One of the worst of the franchise

Full of bugs, but a very fun game to play with other 3 friends

The best Uncharted game of the series

It's a "meh" game. The story is "meh", characters are not well developed, but gameplays is fun. I did 100% on PSN and never installed it again to play (it's like, 3 years I don't even get near this game).

The worst of the series. The story is BAD, the characters are BAD and I didn't like the gameplay/weapons. I had a bit of fun in the "multyplayer" ("multiplayer" 'cuz it was me playing against AI, in the multiplayer maps/modes), but that was it.