316 Reviews liked by mathbergt

it would be a half star but i felt satisfied after beating the bird chase, still, my pc suffered bc of this

i know toby maguire has had it rough in his acting career lately but he didnt really need to go all out and make caveman spiderman 2

THIS SHIT IS FUCKIGN AWEEEEEEEEEEESOOOOOOOOOOME OMG IT HAS SUCH A GOOD VISUAL STYLE and i love that you can double jump and block in the airrrr and like You Can Do That Shit In Other Games yeahhhhhhhhhhhh Duhhhh but oh my god this feels so much better to play to me than the Budokai games lolol i still like the budokai games but i think this feels much snappier and satisfying to try and make shit connect mmmm

I also have been watching dragon ball super finally instead of just passively nodding or furrowing my eyebrows at random details id just hear through word of mouth about the series, which has been really fun
playing characters in this game made me particularly excited to see the scenes with android 17 and hit and the rest

i think while the roster definitely is like... 1/3rd just goku and vegeta
its WEIIIIIIIIIIIIRD but is it weirder that I don't really mind it much? I come to expect huge rosters from the budokai tenkaichi games really and I think its a miracle that GT content exists at all in this game,
the biggest issue i got is more around the stage selection though! i feel like they covered most bases but IDK it doesnt really feel like the same franchise heritage and love is felt beyond what youd expect really.

I also like how this game just feels like it's trying to have more Fun with shit and doing its own things rather than feeling like it needs to be 1:1 railed into how things work in the show or manga currently ongoing, like the little interaction dialogueeeee... hell even the original new character is pretty cute and weird shes cool :> !! im not crazy bout her but I can totally feel the vision and thought put behind her and she easily slips into Dr Gero's fucked lil family.

So yeah its just a fun dragon ball 2d fighting game and it makes my ass itch sometimes because im not very good at it and some characters are absolute horseshit to fight against like one of the brolys and ss4 gogeta and ultra instinct goku but i also love destroying with all of those characters so- yeah its a pretty damn cool game

also hit's theme is so chill <3

Honestly pretty disappointed with this one. Obviously just not for me as many claim Sekiro to be a masterpiece, but I never enjoyed parrying in Soulslikes and that's essentially all this game is. Bosses felt repetitive and boring.

The tightest and most thrilling combat system of any action game that I've played. Maybe not as insane as something like Metal Gear Rising or Bayonetta, but every single hit, parry, dodge, counter, and whatever else has an insane amount of impact and rhythm behind it that I have yet to see anything else come close to. Every FromSoftware game I've played has been great, but this is my favorite.

This is literally just a joke videogame how does this exist



Played via the DRM-free itch.io release on Windows 11 (Gigabyte B560 HD3, i7-11700 @ 2.5GHz, 16GB DDR4 RAM, Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070).

I should probably preface this review by stating my experience with metroidvanias is rather minimal - I've put a fair few hours into the original Metroid whilst never being able to finish it (the lengthy rooms and lack of map feels near intentional to waste my time) but haven't touched a Castlevania outside of the franchise's original incarnation as an action platformer (OG, Bloodlines).

So it always seems to be the indie metroidvanias that hold my attention longer, and while Redo! seems to borrow equally from the genre as well as survival horror, it's a solid title, clocking in at just under a 4 hour experience if your goal is the ending.

I found movement to feel limiting at first (the other reviewer isn't entirely wrong about the jump) but finding that the level design is built with it all in mind made me relax into the flow of the game easier. Enemy design and item placement felt satisfying to me, easily encouraging the "come back later if you feel overwhelmed" feeling whilst not being above allowing the player to cheese through some areas if they're smart with rolls, weapon usage and health.

The art style and soundtrack were the personal standouts however - aesthetically it feels similar to 2012 game Lone Survivor at first but where that game planted it's feet firmly in the disturbing, Redo! isn't afraid to go fantastical with enemy and world designs. The soundtrack is more of a soundscape though and whilst there's not many in the way of "bangers" here it very much supports the art's strengths and lends itself to keeping you on edge rather than pumped up.

Overall I enjoyed my time with this game - I don't doubt that it could be better in some aspects and I'm looking forward to the developer's follow-up, Sessions, but for Redo!'s length and cost I was thoroughly pleased with my end experience.

I have a lot of hours in Payday 2 and I can say that this game is literally like cheap PD2.

First of all, the graphics of the game bothered me in an interesting way, as if PD2's graphics were better. I don't even want to talk about optimization, the game FPS drops occasionally even on high graphics cards.

However, the gameplay has become much better and the tasks performed silently have become much more fun.

It feels like the game hasn't been released yet, many things, from weapons to maps and characters, are few in number. I think the reason for this is the now famous logic of "release the game first, then update it".

Anyway, people probably play PD2. That was the worst release of a game... even cp2077 release was better than that.

It's a shame that the state of "modern gaming" boils down to a "release now, fix later" approach, because behind this predatory approach to development are some genuinely fun games. Pay Day 3 happens to be the latest example.

I've never played a Pay Day game before this one, and I'm legitimately impressed with the gameplay. Teaming up with friends and taking on the handful of heist available at launch has been a ton of fun. Of course an unacceptably poor launch that left the game unplayable for days and the lean amount of content available day one are two massive issues that are impossible to overlook.

This game needs more time in the oven. I'm sure it'll be great... eventually.

~in Morgan Freeman voice~ "Little did he know the game would in fact not become great eventually."

the mileena, kitana, and sindel storylines were easily the most interesting thing in the entire game

[finished main story]
Ok i get it now. sorry for doubting u mkheads
its pretty fun, not anything crazy or too special but its decent and the characters are cool and likeable enough to someone with absolutely no knowledge of previous mk stories but vague recognition of the characters
its like watching a decent fun schlocky movie

helps that my friend that DID know things was playing and could answer for me.
i like johnny cage a lot, his previous designs were better in my eyes but his personality is really great in this game. and hes still hot so

Certainly the beloved sequel, but my heart will always go to 64 first. I love almost everything about TTYD but there is some weird backtracking stuff that I didn't enjoy.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is an amazing turn-based RPG. Basically the first one but with even more content and polish. The story is unique and entertaining, characters are booming with personality and the combat is super well done. Stylish moves are a great addition to keep the player engaged, as well as the audience. So much jam packed into this RPG and every world feels like something new. Truly an amazing journey.