the first one but with even more story and even more puzzles. wheatley is hilarious and the addition of the gels + the tractor beam makes things more interesting. peak shaking head emoji

good continuation story-wise from the painful, but far less interactions with npcs/party members in this one, hurting the gameplay and the atmosphere for me.

unique game, capable of being very dark but also very funny, trolls the player at times. Visuals are gross but fit the story and while jarring at times the music adds to the atmosphere well. peak shaking head emoji

played this shit on the bus w friends all the time, always fun

really fun and unique game, great to play with friends, huge learning curve but after getting past it its one of the most expressive and skillful games, only downside is that they got rid of cases and trading in favor of a battle pass. peak shaking head emoji

best roguelike ever, fun gameplay, unique aesthetic, lots of characters to play, and lots of unlocks. peak shaking **** emoji

incredible game, fire gameplay, atmosphere, story, all of it. dlc adds even more and the game has more replay value than most. peak shaking **** emoji

the sequel might be a have better gameplay, but the experience of playing this one for the first time cant be beat. compelling story and visually pleasing, its peak shaking **** emoji

good multiplayer but zombies carry this game, was amazing with friends. peak shaking head emoji

fire pokemone game, and my favorite aesthetic from any of the ones ive played. peak shaking head emoji

fire pokemon game. peak shaking head emoji


amazing roguelike game, visually pleasing and great story, gameplay is good too but could be better. peak shaking head emoji

amazing game, only reason it isnt a 5 is because multiplayer servers arent what they used to be. peak shaking head emoji

super interesting and unique game, great story and the access to a roguelike version of the game after completing the story is nice. only thing that holds it back is some lulls in the middle of the game. peak shaking head emoji

its like the first game but better gameplay-wise, the continuation of the story is great and some of the secret stuff really ties it all together. the sky and the depths were great additions. peak shaking **** emoji