Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase 2.21.2024 Review

It was about a 6/10 C tier. We've had worse Partner Showcases. This just came at a rather dry time, and I really ready to sink my teeth into something. And Another Code, Mario vs Donkey Kong and Princess Peach Showtime aren't very chewy.

You know what? Cool. I don't mind this type of survival game, I'm just not gonna have anyone to play it with.
I've never heard of this series. Might be a cool Metroidvania. I'll take a look at the first one when its on sale, since it seems to be well liked.
Sometimes it feels like indie game developers have a weird idea and sell it based on nothing else being like it. I'm not against my games being weird mind you, this just doesn't look interesting.
I was a bit on edge when this was revealed cause it looked a lot like Ogre Battle 64, a game I thought was kinda boring. After going through some of the demo tutorials though, I think it'll probably be my thing. I'll finish the demo and probably check it out when it releases.
Not the worst game to port from the 3DS but far from my first choice
I remember playing the original Epic Mickey but all I remember is playing it. I don't think I got very far. Maybe I'll give it a second shot, but unlikely
I kinda thought this was a sequel like Apocalypse but turns out its an expanded edition like P5R. Not too big a deal, I welcome any reason to play my favorite games again, especially ones this big, it's just not as exciting as a new game.
I heard good things about the classic battlefront games but why is this 25 Gig?Steam has the originals at about 7 combined. What's going on there?
Never looked as enticing as the RPGs for me.
Fast forwarded through this
Fast forwarded through this
Its cool we are getting a new game after Banana Mania. Really should check the series out at some point.
Looking forward to this one
My siblings fucking love the 3DS game, still play it sometimes. So At least if I get this one I'll have people to play with.
Maybe.... I did kinda enjoy playing Bloodborne, but eventually hitting my head on the same wall over and over again isn't worth it. I'm not entirely sure what some imitation soulsborne is gonna do but if it gets good reviews and is decently cheap, sure.
It'll probably be pretty fun but I wanna read at least a few reviews before giving this game 30$ of my somewhat limited budget, especially since the Switch version is 30 FPS.
I did not like the Suika game enough to share it with others.
Played the demo of this too. It's pretty cool. Hopefully these levels have a time trial and daredevil mode cause they are just begging for one.
Doesn't look like my thing unfortunately but who knows. I might be a solitaire guy.
A licensed game for a license i don't care about.
Boy the next Tales of Game sure looks weird.

In all Seriousness, it looks fine but I only have time for so many games a year and this will be my priority when that statement is no longer true.
The most natural direction for the Demon Slayer brand
The reviews here are actually more positive than I thought they would be so another one where I'll think about it
Probably fine but all 2D Contras look the same to me.

I have the anniversary collection, I'll live.
I've never heard of this but it's also fairly positive here. I don't know if its entirely my thing, just based on vibes, but I'm not too picky
Just give us the good shit XBox. I don't wanna pay 30$ a year for Banjo Kazooie.
Why did people suddenly start caring about this? It was exclusive to Japan on the Wii U. Several other games are exclusive to Japan on NSO. Why's the internet got its shit in a bunch now? If you wanna play it, just switch your region to Japan and download the Japanese GBA app. You won't be able to understand it but you can play it officially. Is that what you want? The alternative is Nintendo spending a massive amount of resourses, likely butchering a localization a large amount of people aren't going to play. Is that what you want internet? Huh? Is this why you've started that drama? Huh?

Honestly I'm probably overblowing this and everybody will forget about it by tomorrow, but I wanted to say that somewhere, even if no one reads it.


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