It's FINE, by no means bad but definitely one of my least favorite Pokemon games. Its Pokemon are pretty cool at least

This game is fun but it could have been a lot more. It really needs more polish and a bigger budget would have helped a lot. I like a lot of the shit here, I like that it has air dashing, I like that you can grab projectiles, I like that everyone has a Donkey Kong grab. It's stupid and fun but definitely not worth the $50 price of admission.

This game fucking rules I love you Kirby

Awesome game that is unfortunately very obviously unfinished in a lot of areas. I also really do not like the weird ass dice block segments

Very fun game, have had tons of laughs playing this with some buddies

I like this, it's free and really short and I like the art style. Don't really know how to rate it but it's nice

Honestly think this game is kinda neat and I like the wacky shit it does but the characters are just kind of whatever and I don't really care about them

Wario is real and inside my house

wouldnt it be fucked up if you were a guy and you fell

One of my favorite games to play on PC. So much fun with friends and has basically infinite replay value.

Dumb ass game that's stupid and broken but also really funny. If you really want to play it definitely get it on PC so you can slap mods on to make it even funnier.