Kino game. It's honestly insane how much this game improves upon the original, its still got P5's pacing issues but the QoL changes are so good and the new story content is incredible. Maruki is my GOAT.

Great game, especially with friends in person. Incredible roster of characters too, especially with the DLC. Biggest problem for me however is the online, just like the previous Smash game, it's BAD. Netcode is awful and lobbies are slow and disconnect randomly.

This is the worse version of Smash 4 easily but at the time it was not only really fun and cool to have a portable Smash Bros but it was pretty impressive too. I have a lot of good memories of bringing my 3DS to high school and playing people in Smash either during lunch or after class.

Have SO MANY good memories of this game from when I was a kid but it definitely doesn't feel as good or fun today, especially after playing Ultimate.
Subspace Emissary is pretty cool too but you can tell by playing it that Smash was never built to be played as a beat em up/platformer.

i know i played this when i was a kid but i have no idea how or why i had this game

anyways it is not a very good video game

Peak Mario. Game is such a joy to play and the enemy capture mechanic is so much fun.

Possibly the saddest game I've ever played

Great DLC. New items introduced were a lot of fun as well as all the new characters.

Kino game. Loved the story and characters. Gameplay got very addicting to me as well.

Honestly kind of sad how unfun this was to me because I like its art and character designs. Oh also gacha so thumbs down emoji

As someone who has put an unfathomable amount of hours into this game all I will say is you should not play Dota 2.

An all time classic. One of my favorite multiplayer games and an important staple for my teenage years. Made so many friends playing this game and I'll never forget it.