I don't think this game is bad at all but it just never clicked with me and no matter how many times I've tried getting into it I just got bored with it unfortunately.


I've only played about 20 hours of this game but it's incredibly good. Addictive gameplay that's easy to jump into and figure out combined with some incredible art direction and voice acting.

Jank as FUCK but god I still love it so much

Honestly this game kinda stinks but it's hard for me to fault it too much since it was their first go and they really improved it a lot with the next two games.

My favorite Final Fantasy out of the ones I've played. Loved the characters so much even if I do wish some of them got more time to develop.

A wild conclusion to Travis Touchdown's story. Really liked the combat in this game and the wild cutscenes. The alien villains are really cool too, I love their designs and (some) of them have really fun personalities and line deliveries. Looking back however, I am a bit sad this game lacked staples from the other games such as bosses having their own stages. Sure they were just glorified hallways but I definitely feel like it's more interesting than fighting in generic arenas a bunch of times. I also wish the bosses were a bit harder, being able to use powers from the roulette system thing made them die way too fast. I'm still holding out that we get some sort of "Director's Cut" that restores the cut content some day.

This game is awesome, its only problem is that I didn't play more of it because my Switch is fucked up and constantly disconnects from my WiFi

This game rocks, I wish it had a remaster so bad.

I enjoyed it but I feel this game would have benefitted a lot from being either a pure sequel to Apollo Justice or just entirely focusing on Athena instead of just sometimes

The Kaname Date Cringe Compilation

Definitely the most jank of the Yakuza games I've played but I still really like this one. Seeing Kiryu take care of the orphanage is great.

A fantastic remake, I was surprised by how little was changed from the original. They improved the combat by a lot but everything else is the same, including how much you have to replay to get all of the endings and collecting all weapons to get C and D. In this way you could say that as a remake it's faithful to a fault. For many people this will (rightfully) be a huge issue, but as a huge fan of the original I was completely fine with it. Brother Nier is pretty cool but I still like Dad a lot more. The remade soundtrack is also a mixed bag to me, some of the new mixes are incredibly good but others just feel much weaker than the originals. It's also very nice to see ending E even if I like ending D more.

One of my favorite "insane person" games. I can't recommend it to any normal human being but I love it