My favorite game of all time. Very repetitive and janky and ugly and I LOVE it. The story and characters resonated with me more than any other game.

This game rocks. The story is so insanely paced and you never get a moment to breathe and it fucking rules

The first Fromsoft game I've completed. I absolutely loved exploring its world and finding new dungeons and bosses to fight. The checkpoints in this game are quite forgiving too, which is really nice especially considering how brutal some of these fights get. Some of the fights toward the end of the game feel a little too on the "bullshit" side of boss design but besides that I really have no complaints with this game.

A very strong conclusion to a 10 year long storyline. I have some problems with the pacing however, there are several times in the story where it just feels like everything completely stops for several hours which in hindsight could have been used for other story moments or just cut down. Additionally, there are these weird trailing segments where you have to follow NPCs, and while these aren't the worst thing in the world the story bits in them probably could have been told in more meaningful ways. That aside though, I think it does a wonderful job at wrapping everything up, and I'm so happy it ended like this.

This game rules, it's a fascinating exploration of not only Travis' character but suda51's career as a game developer. Definitely play the first two NMH games before this and maybe The Silver Case too. Don't forget to get the DLC too!

I adore this game and Travis Touchdown. The combat is so simple but so much fun, I love the art style and the ridiculous blood spray from each enemy kill. It's so loud but so satisfying. The writing is fantastic too, you only know each boss for about 2 to 3 minutes but in those few minutes you really get to know what kind of person they are and it adds so much to the world. Many complain about the empty open world and while I understand those complaints I personally didn't mind it. My only qualm with this game is you have to grind for quite a bit to be able to afford the last weapon (which is required for the true final boss), it's sort of a pace breaker.