April, 2024


2h 30m

Huge day! Monumental even! After, who knows how long, we played a bit. And not just me, Robi and Viktor, but even Bea. It went really well!
First, we visited Takistan for some DRO. Bea wanted to play Clear Area, so that's what we did. We tried to insert via helicopter, but that was a failure. Bea survived the crash, and we quickly rushed back to her position with a bare Hunter. We stood our ground against the locals and slowly made our way to the AO. We all ran into ammunition shortage, but we figured it out. 🗲The Hunter had some ammo that was good for Bea🗲, and for Viktor, I called in a Supply Drop. And by that, I mean literally, the built-in Support feature of DRO. They dropped an actual Arsenal for us. Even after hundreds of hours, we learn something new. Anyway, that's when Robi joined us. Late Joining in DRO is wonky, but it was alright. He spawned where we inserted from. For some reason, he can't see certain vehicles, like the desert camo version of the Hunter. I wonder if it's a mod problem. We left the Hunter behind because of this, but we found a weird Repair truck and a Mad Max Hilux. We cleared the second AO quickly, and we all agreed that we should play another round.
Round two was in Zagrabad. It was a lot messier mission. Robi was supporting us from the sky with a Blackfoot, and we were scrambling with a sketchy Prowler insertion. Despite the shit show, we were doing well. Viktor was sniping and me and Bea worked our way into the belly of the beast. Early on we neutralized a vehicle armed with an SPG-9 and that what we tried to use for our escape. That's when shit went wrong. We were barraged by explosive shots, both Mortars and a rocket. A rocket that not only killed Bea and Viktor, but straight up crashed them. Meta-gaming fucking AI... Robi picked me up with the Blackfoot, and before we Extracted, Bea and Viktor could join back in to redeem the situation with their own escape.



0h 45m

We closed the evening with some Survive the Internet. It was good enough to delay Robi/Stefi and Bea/Viktor's departure from the get-together.



0h 45m

On the final day of the "Dani is available to us for the extended Easter weekend", we could finally get together. Half of the group, however, was exhausted. Or maybe just me... Anyway, we had no energy for board games and played some Jackbox instead like last time. This was the first time for Bea and Viktor to try Fakin' It. I won a round as Faker. I don't remember much else. We played some rounds, then switched to Guesspionage.


March, 2024


0h 45m

For the 7th birthday of RTC, we celebrated with a few rounds of this.

January, 2024


1h 0m

Finally, I've successfully persuaded the others to play some of this.

December, 2023


1h 0m

I onve again joined Viktor and Bea and completed a pretty good story mission. Although, practically every story mission so far was pretty fun.


1h 30m

I invaded Viktor and Bea's play session with my presence and soon after Robi followed too. It was fun, this game is really growing on me.


1h 30m

Bea asked me to come play and so I did. Later Robi joined us. We finished two story missions and it was pretty fun.


1h 0m

We tried out the Descent. It was alright. We got to Loop 3.


1h 0m

I joined Bea and Viktor. Bea asked me to make a clan and so I did.


0h 30m

We played a bit with Viktor and Bea. They more or less fixed the performance issues by switching to DX12. Atleast, Bea did... Viktor crashed out twice completely.


1h 0m

I joined Viktor and Bea who still struggled with the performance. Shame... Robi also joined us.


0h 45m

I accompanied Viktor and Bea on a mission. I had fun.


1h 0m

I've invaded Bea and Viktor's playdate to third wheel a bit. I enjoyed and I think they did too despite the bad performance they were getting.

October, 2023


0h 45m

For RTC Halloween FIX we played Dani's copy of JBP10 and we tried Dodo Re Mi. Apart from some early technical difficulties, we all enjoyed it.


0h 45m

We finished two Frontier Defense matches with Bea nad Robi. Fun as always.


1h 0m

The funniest thing happened. Bea showed up while I was streaming Mario. She said she wanted to play Titanfall. I asked if she wanted to try Frontier Defense and she went for it. It was a lot of fun.

September, 2023


1h 30m

Back to ArmA after who knows how many months. It was sweet. Pretty sweet actually. We did two DRO ops on Tanoa. Both were really good and I think I successfully enhanced the experience with some sneaky Zeus-ing.

May, 2023


2h 0m

We've set sail once again but with two new additions. One of that is Geri's new Galleon the Bismarck that made him go broke enough not to afford to buy a voyage. The other is Heni who joined me, Geri and Bea on some lost shipment tracking. We did two of them and both went well. We even stopped by to say hello to some ghost and run off with their loot. Good day.


6h 30m

I have to start off today's Ship Log with an apology because I won't be able to accurately retell today's events. We played for 6 hours today. It all started on the Stephanie with Geri, Robi, and Bea. We did a vault. A Gold vault at that and we COMPLETELY cleared it out. Curios and Gold Piles and all. That and the Ghost Fort gave us a 100K profit. We took a short break and with Robi and Geri set sail again on Geri's new Brigantine, the Black Ice. This is where things got annoying. We cleared out a lost shipment voyage, sold a bunch of fish, and due to server errors we didn't get paid for anything. Frustration ensued, and Robi logged off but I and Geri stayed mostly driven by the desire for experimentation. We sold some more fish which he caught and I cooked, sunk a skeleton sloop then attacked an active skeleton fort. It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of loot. At this point, the game put us on new servers and we finally have gotten paid for our sold goods again. This is great news since the skeleton fort loot was incredible. Dani came out of nowhere and joined us. We did another lost shipment, then switched our emissary flag to the Order of Souls. Geri bought a bunch of skeleton captain voyages and we cleared a ghost fort. We sold everything at level 5 emissary. We made around 300K if we don't count the 100K we didn't get due to server issues. I opened a support ticket and I was told we should expect the gold to pop up in 72 hours though. It was a bloody good day, mateys, I tell ya.


4h 30m

It was a long, long day. We set sail with Geri and Bea on my newly bought Brigantine, the The Eldritch Voyager. Shit hit the fan real quick. We were looking for a clue but another ship was circling us. We sent out Bea to find the clue, which, in retrospect, was a poor decision. The other ship attacked us. They were honestly pathetic, but they had the advantage of the outer circle. They turned out to be Russians who were probably trash-talking but were too cowards to say anything in the common tongue. We sunk, mostly due to the bad position and the 2v3. They got the precious loot we had which consisted of a shitty skull and a single silk crate. Russians waging a pointless war seems to be the theme over there lately. We scuttled to a new server and offered to let Bea be the captain but she called it a night, so we set sail on Geri's Sloop, the Kraken. We continued grinding the Merchant Flag. It... Went mostly well, if we don't count the de-spawning lost ship and a lost captain's key which turned up later in the story. We switched to the Order of Souls to hunt some skeletons. The Skeleton hunting went well until we tried out the skeleton ship voyage. It turned out that those were not skeleton ships, but ghost ships. And a bunch of them. Big galleons and brigantines. We were no match for them in the humble Kraken. We sunk but saved the tiny loot onto the rowboat and Geri rowed back to the nearby outpost where we realized that the lost Captain's Key was on the rowboat the whole time.


2h 30m

We've set sail with a crew of four on Robi's new Galleon, the Stephanie. It only happened like this because I couldn't host due to having to switch PCs mid-session. We had a rocky start and some follow-up hiccups which I'm incredibly downplaying because I'm trying to hide the fact that I was absolutely livid with the rest of the crew and the leadership at times. We attacked some skeleton ships and guess what, we didn't have enough cannonballs. We literally shot everything we could at the opposition and got away without anything. I protested the engagement from the start only to be drowned out by dumb overexcitement. But don't worry, we repeated this same exact mistake again later which I also protested but I digress. In the end, we got a pretty sizable loot with a 110K profit. Right before we sold our stuff we met a solo Slooper from Malta who was really nice.


2h 0m

Well... It was certainly a day. A good one? A bad one? Who's to say? I enjoyed myself despite the frustrating moments. We used my Galleon, Rebeka, because we had Bea and we were expecting Stefi. Except Stefi didn't show up until the very end. So, we were stuck with a Galleon for the three of us. Bea wasn't particularly attentive which normally isn't a huge deal but we really needed all hands on deck to deal with the situation. To make matters worse, we encountered a Kraken and while we didn't loose too much loot, we've lost the Gold Emissiary flag and even after a cleared out gold vault and a ghost stronghold, we couldn't reach level 5 before we called it a day. Still, an eventful adventure in the end.


3h 30m

It was an eventful day. With the help of Dani we cleared a sunken merchant ship then went for a ghost fort. We cleared it but while we were getting the loot on the ship a reaper ship sunk us. While we were docked. Very cool. Very fair. We did some pointless naval warfare after that but then got bored.

Later with Bea we did another Merchant ship voyage. Cleared the sunken ship, fought of the mermaids then did a merchant sell thing. It was short but quite boring to be honest. Bea logged off so with Robi we switched to a Helheim, the Sloop and tried out a new thing. A thing that produced a Skull of Fate. Which we realized was a whole thing we had no time for. We sold it for 10 dubblons. Still got a few skulls out of a quest. We had quite the battle with some hard-ass skeletons.

April, 2023


1h 0m

It's been a few days since we set sail, but finally we did. We've boarded the Thunder and hit up Bea mid-adventure. We tried something new, the Merchant Emissiary. It was a welcome change of pace albiet with the usual rocky start but it was worth it. I don't know how much we made, I genuinely wasn't paying attention because I just loved the journey for what it was.


3h 0m

It was a big day for the Mighty Galleon that is Rebeka. We set sail with Robi, Dani, and Bea. Pimped out the ship into nice burgundy and went for a Vault Voyage. As we were collecting the map pieces, we sunk a skeleton sloop. Then we ended up in a huge storm when we were looking for the X. That was intense. Lighting strikes were as plenty as the strong enemies. It didn't help that the X was difficult to find too. Also at this point, we acquired a weeping chest that was filling the ship with water constantly. After we were done with finding the key in the storm, we stopped at an outpost to sell our loot as we were Gold Emissiary 5 already. We also sold two snakes for 90 each after it bit all of us at least once on the ship. On the way to the vault were singing and dancing then cleared out the Gold vault completely. Oh, yeah, it was a Gold Key. We've made a total of 150K. Good day.


3h 0m

It was a good day on the high seas. Bea bought the game so we got ready to set sail when Dani showed up so the arrangements had to change. I had to take up captaincy and buy a Galleon for the four of us. The mighty ship's name is Rebeka and set me back with about 40% of my wealth. I assigned Robi as acting captain because I couldn't be bothered. Bea also bought herself a fluffy German Shepard-like dog. The beginnings were rocky but then things quickly smoothed out. We fought incredibly hard against a skeleton Galleon. Pumped it full of all our cannon balls and everything else we could shoot at it but the damn thing never sunk. Discouraged we continued our adventures to a nearby fort. This was when our luck turned around. We were like a well-oiled looting and killing machine. After the fort, we continued our quest for the vault. Dani has been fishing all this time and Bea was trying too. Eventually, she caught two fish that day. We encountered a player sloop who was battling hard with two skeleton ships. We were debating whether or not to third-party the sloop but it felt cheap when immediately after surviving the two skeleton ships it was attacked by a Megalodon. Dani felt nervous about letting it live as they were docked later at the neighboring port next to our vault island. We completely cleaned the vault and headed back to an outpost that felt safe. On our way to the outpost, we run into a skeleton sloop and we absolutely annihilated it and took the loot. After that we sold everything gaining over a 100K in profits. Dani bought himself a parrot called KFC and Bea made herself look badass. Dani paid money to lose his hand and leg so he can look like a man whose tales would never end.

January, 2023


1h 30m

We played some Ground Breach with Viktor, Robi and Bea. It was a lot of fun.