April, 2024



And that's the end of the Bioshock 2 saga. I'm gonna be honest, I was mildly intrigued by the plot of this central AI thing, but I wasn't as invested until the last 1 hour or so. There's not much to say. A beautiful story overall. Farewell, Pearl!





Goddamn, it's actually pretty good. I did die once, but I won the second run.

I died due to misinput.

Started / Finished

March, 2024


8h 45m


I've got through Gil's level. Spared him, though I'm not sure what face is worse. I was somewhat right about the big communal biomass theory.
Persephone dragged on for a bit too long. I believe I've got the best ending. However, I wish I could have saved Sinclair. I think Lamb survived too as an act of forgiveness by Eleanor. I'm not sure what else to say... I loved it.



52h 0m


El Yayo extracted. Only one underboss and a middle manager left. Also, some DEA agent's corpse and the Rainbow Six mission.

I've finished the game properly now. Maybe I'm just riding the high of finishing a long as shit Ubi game, but I think it redeemed itself from the "Ubullshit" with time. Fuck the cartels, fuck fascistic governments and guess what? Fuck the C.I.--


February, 2024


11h 0m


Damn... I don'tt have words.



2h 0m



Finished it in one sitting. It was fun. I think I prefer Doki Doki in this genre but I'm not gonna lie, I had a real grin on my face when during Asmodeus.

Started / Finished

January, 2024


8h 45m


We finished the game. Got the kid back but aT wHaT cOsT? It was alright in the end. Redeemed. Somewhat... Anyway, next is Far Cry 5 with Heni.



Started / Finished


6h 15m



December, 2023


9h 15m


Damn, I really gave up yesterday during the final 15 minutes of the main story. I reached Dylan, he's in a coma and I'm the director now. It was all pretty... Abrupt? But hey, I complained about the game not respecting my time but it did wrap things up quickly at the end so who am I to complain? Anyway, I began the Foundation mission but I didn't really follow it. I immediately unlocked the mind control ability, then went to therapy with Dr. Kojima, and then finished up the Altered Items. Those were cool and I'm glad I have to do 3 more.



13h 45m


I have finished the game. After completing the Rock Slabs, I have decided to end it. First, I returned the book where it belongs and got the good ending. Then I returned and used the relics to get back "Her"? And also summon a big fucking thing. After that, I hunted down all the Cultists and fed them. I found a treasure map and collected the treasure. Researched everything, and did all the side quests. It was an excellent experience. I'm debating whether or not give it 5 stars. I'll sleep on it.


November, 2023


2h 15m


I guess, our girl is into girls now. Should have expected it from this type of game. Good for her though. They can fuck off with their metric fuck tons of shoes.



16h 30m


We accidentally finished the game with Heni. What a game, holy shit! Maybe it's because my expectations were super low but I'm actually someone cathartic. What's next? The Forest.





I'd actually enjoy more of these kinds of experiences or should I say Digital Exhibits? Virtual Museums? I have absolutely zero connection to Radiohead. I think, I only know Creep and I always thought it was okay. Either way, this was alright which is slightly but inarguably better than okay.

Started / Finished


3h 0m


I've navigated my way through the Mansion. I've met with the Witch in Red who helped me but asked me not to kill any of her sisters. Even though I have killed a single witch before, I did not kill anymore after meeting her. Anyway, I've reached Delilah inside a painting like it's Super Mario 64. The fight was alright. She didn't give her easy, I'll give her that but she tasted my sword regardless. Literally. I stabbed her in the mouth all the way through the back of her skull. I've saved Emily from Delilah's possession. I pleaded for my life when I found my throat next to Corvo's blade. I've skipped town and that was it. I'm gonna miss Daud.



3h 0m


I've finished the final mission. The hideout was raided. I've decided that this could be the perfect opportunity to play the game without giving a shit and just go head-to-head with the enemy. It was quite fun actually and to top it off in the end I've still got Low Chaos, so I don't know anymore what even constitutes as High Chaos. Anyway, I've rescued all me friends, spared the remaining Overseers, and even though she betrayed me, I even spared Billie Lurke. Delilah also showed up and named me her and the rest of her coven's number-one enemy. By now I've figured out that the next DLC is gonna be about dealing with them.


October, 2023


5h 30m


We finished the final two missions with Robi. We finished 99 boxes stealthily, but we fucked up the penthouse mission and thus it went loud. It's an actually fun game and I fucking despise Gamers™ for doing these games dirty. I'll still wait for a steep discount though.



10h 0m


I've made my way through the castle and FUCKING MURDERED the Broodals. Now I'm on the Moon, dressed up for a wedding ceremony that I'm... trying to... stop? I am genuinely baffled at some of these narrative decisions, but here we are. On the Moon to be precise.

So I've fought my way through the moon to the church where I stopped the wedding. I Fought Bowser, became Bowser, then we cucked each other. I guess, this is it. I'll probably come back to the endgame stuff.



60h 45m


I saw an opportunity and I took it. Robi, Dani, Viktor, and I all had an aligning spare hour to play Ready or Not. We've finally tackled the coveted, the infamous, the ultimate mission that is the vineyard aaaand we finished it in 30 minutes. Literally 3 restarts. Disappointing. It wasn't even a very good map. Robi was complaining the whole way through about annoying visual bugs, I kept seeing people's shadows through the ceiling and it was just not very interesting in general. Still, we did it. After that, we headed to the Port because Dani hadn't played that yet. It went perfectly. We achieved an A+.


July, 2023


0h 30m



I've bought Ivry and borrowed Rebeka's phone so I can try all the VR games I have. Obviously, I started with this and it was FUCKING AWESOME!!!

Started / Finished

May, 2023



7h 30m


I have finished the story. Defalt is dead. Seemingly... The final fight was a bit of a letdown after the earlier encounter. Finished the Fox Hunt storyline and the Council of Daves. Honestly... Both of those were a bit underwhelming. I really expected a few balding, middle-aged men called Dave sitting around a roundtable. Tomorrow, I'll tackle WD2. I'll start it over to keep the theme going.


April, 2023


2h 0m



After some procrastination yesterday, I've finally tackled the last of the story missions. I'm not a huge Donovan fun but I don't hate him. It was fun having a murder buddy and the banter was alright. I helped him track down his old friend who turned on the country and acquired a nuclear warhead. It was a fun, linear experience. I liked the change of scenery and it didn't outstay it's welcome.

Started / Finished


9h 30m


So, it's war then. We started thinning the herd of Morello's influential sheep. I took out a councilor or something on a steamboat then went after a lucky bastard. Evaded a car chase with Vinny and Paulie, his wife or someone found her way to his car bomb before him, a waitress caught a bullet instead of him, and when I finally ended up face to face with him I'd just run out of bullets. Unlucky for him, he was sitting in a pool of gasoline around a pile of gasoline barrels and I just happened to be a smoker with my own lighter. The time arrived to go after the big man in white then. Me, Paulie and Sam went after him. Chased him out of the city to an airport. He almost took off when I shot out his engines. He crashed into the city. Chased after the burning plane to the crash site. There was him. Laying half crisp in his iconic white suit now in shared in black. I pumped him full of lead just to make sure. I wanna say it was a favor in the end.

Don Salieri told me a story about two guys drowning in a lake for each other to tell me not to cover for Paulie. After that, he told me I need to ice this Turnbull character. Politician. Crooked as a fishhook. Took him out with a sniper rifle from the top of an old prison's guard tower. The cops were all over me. Full-scale pursuit. Gave them the slip then went home to my wife. She told me that this Turnbull character fought for women's suffrage. Gave the right to vote for his six daughters, his wife, and well... my wife. So...

The Don sent us to lift some cigars from the FEDs that are actually diamonds. Well, it turns out it was dope. Paulie dreamt up a bank heist which Sam didn't fancy but I ended up going along with Paulie. The next morning, I went to visit Paulie for my share and found him dead. Sam called the landline there and I answered. He told me it was Salieri and that we should meet at the art gallery. At the art gallery, it became clear that it was Sam who capped Paulie and I should join him immediately. Unfortunately for him, it clashed with my plans so I shot my way through the art gallery to hunt him down. The detective helped me out in exchange for my cooperation in the Salieri case. I've spent 8 years behind bars but at least saw my daughter marry and grew old with Sarah. However, Vito and Joey from the second game killed me. Nice.




I finished up the epilogue by helping out the concerned citizens to keel the Sheriff in jail.
