May, 2024




I'm genuinely lost at whatever's happening. I do like the witty quips and the characters in general.



April, 2024








I wanted to give this game another go on Epic before buying it on Steam. I installed it, played it and I like it a lot more than last time. On top of that, I could add the game to Steam pretty seamlessly.





Played a bit of Breaking Point. Meh.





And that's the end of the Bioshock 2 saga. I'm gonna be honest, I was mildly intrigued by the plot of this central AI thing, but I wasn't as invested until the last 1 hour or so. There's not much to say. A beautiful story overall. Farewell, Pearl!





Wait, it's actually good??! I saw the trailer before it came out and i dug it but I was afraid that the joke wouldn't carry it too far, BUT IT DOES! And it's fun!





I made a mistake. I launched the game without properly committing to it... I hope I can restart.





Okay, I'll make it short. I'm pursuing this central AI called the Thinker. Currently, I need to get into a place, but I need Gravity Well first. The game crashed. That's where I am.

I've reached Operations. Listen, it's not bad, but is it amazing? So far, I'm getting the same quality experience BS1 and 2 gave me. Which is not bad, but I might have had too high expectations. Anyway, I like that they threw in a black guy with all the expected nuance around his character. Honestly, I can't tell you any of the other characters or what even is going on here. I know Porter, I know GLADOS, I mean, HAL, I mean, the Thinker and I know there's an antagonist whose name I don't even know. I basically tune out his ramblings.




I gave it a chance. Stylish intro but unforgivable handling and just in general a child's idea of dakar rally.





Goddamn, it's actually pretty good. I did die once, but I won the second run.

I died due to misinput.

Started / Finished



I bought it, because why not? I'm mildly afraid of the criticized addictiveness of the game, but I just wanted some mindless dopamine farm. So far, it's fun. I'm not sure how deep I'll go.

Never mind, I've just won on my 4th or 5th run. It was a pretty broken build with many permanently upgrading Joker multipliers, but the final Ante was still goddamn intense.


March, 2024




The day has finally come. We wanted to play It Takes Teo but the EA servers were down, thus Rebeka said okay to trying out Dying Light. It was meant to be.

Unfortunately, Rebeka had to do a lot of the early part alone. I could tell she was not always enjoying it but I think after I could join, it changed for the better. This was my first time playing in a while and the first time ever in co-op. We met Bracken, the siblings, and most importantly, Gazi and his mom. The UI is driving me crazy but whatever. I'm having fun. I doubt we'll play much but I hope we do a few more missions still.





I'm not sure if it's because I already now what happens in this game or that I'm just missing Rapture, but it doesn't hit as much as the first 2 did in the past week or even as it did the first time 10 years ago. Maybe when I reach Elizabeth it picks up but so far it's kind fo a slog. I'm not even sure I'll finish it. I should have bought Minerva's Den last week during the sale.
Anyway, I'm Booker DeWitt, I have to bring them the girl to wipe away the debt. I listened to God only knows, I took part in a racist raffle, I flipped a coin, I already slurped down three vigors like they are Coke Zero, I met the John Wilkes Booth fan club and the big man himself, Cum Sock. I've just reached Monument Island. Why? Don't know, don't care. I don't care about this world as much I did about Rapture. I miss my #1 Ayn Rand fan, Andrew Ryan, my favorite ex-nazi, Tenenbaum, the Big Daddies, the Little Shits, Fontaine, Sinclair, Lamb, Sander Cohen...




I've got through Gil's level. Spared him, though I'm not sure what face is worse. I was somewhat right about the big communal biomass theory.
Persephone dragged on for a bit too long. I believe I've got the best ending. However, I wish I could have saved Sinclair. I think Lamb survived too as an act of forgiveness by Eleanor. I'm not sure what else to say... I loved it.




Right after finishing Bioshock 1, I've decided not to waste time and get right into the second one. So far, I enjoy it. I'm a bit worried that it wears out it's welcome. I like the new perspective, the new characters, new motivation and, well, everything new and old.
I visited a carnival where I've learned a lot of libertarian bullshit.
I have 3 familiar plasmids and 4 newish tonics.
I escorted a little sister on her quest to desecrate corpses in exchange for some ADAM.
I've beaten a Big Sister. Cheating bitch, if you ask me. The first time, she's just straight up crashed my game and I had to redo 10 minutes of gameplay.
Sofia Lamb is a serviceable antagonist and, while I don't know much about this Eleanor, I'm up for an adventure to get her back.
Sinclair is certainly a guy. A guy of all time, even.
And Dr. Tenenbaum? Yeah, I'm still a simp.



More than a decade later, but I finally played through this classic. I became a big daddy, saved all the little sisters and killed Fontaine. It really is a masterpiece.




Right, so, last time I gave up. I don't even remember where, to be honest, so I just straight up started a new play through.
So far, I have made a vocal connection with this Atlas fella. Seems like a straight-up bloke. Then I've brutally murdered a crazy plastic surgeon. Later, I've met this German(?) lady who wants me to not commit child murder. I found it easy to oblige. I plan to not murder any of these little ones.






I got Rebeka to give this game another chance but instead of using a controller, I set up the Friend Pass and she got to play on her mouse and keyboard. We finished the second boss yet again. I'm not sure if she'll be into continuing the game, but I'm still a bit more contempt.





I gave it a second chance. I have a slightly firmer grip on what the fuck is this. I can control the little guys, and it seemingly barely matters what I build.




We finally tackled Port Hokan. After that, we tried our best to S rank Valley of the Dolls for the Hawaiian shirt, but we failed. To be fair, the technology was heavily against us. I'm not sure why. There were no new updates since we last played, but today it was extremely broken for all three of us.




El Yayo extracted. Only one underboss and a middle manager left. Also, some DEA agent's corpse and the Rainbow Six mission.

I've finished the game properly now. Maybe I'm just riding the high of finishing a long as shit Ubi game, but I think it redeemed itself from the "Ubullshit" with time. Fuck the cartels, fuck fascistic governments and guess what? Fuck the C.I.--


February, 2024



Damn... I don'tt have words.




I have beaten Leshy. I also watched some guy's vlog where he found the game in a forest on a floppy disk. I'm not sure what to do here. According to literally everyone whose opinion I've heard, this is all going downhill from here.





Finished it in one sitting. It was fun. I think I prefer Doki Doki in this genre but I'm not gonna lie, I had a real grin on my face when during Asmodeus.

Started / Finished




So now that I have a new system since the last time I tried and completely failed to run it, it was time for take two. And guess what? It runs. But also, yeah, it fucking sucks. I'll still play it a bit more for the vibes but I already understand the criticism.




It was a dollar, I bought it, played it for 30 minutes and now I have deleted it.




I have liberated every outpost, unlocked a bunch of guns and I have one more rare animal to hunt that's sadly it seems to be in Pagan's Castle. I'm more or less ready for the finale.

After some fucking about, I finally tackled the final mission. I let Sabal go, set down for dinner with Pagan, placed the urn at Lakshmana, then finally blew Amita the fuck up. I don't know how canon is that. But I did kill her right after her final cutscene. I dropped her dead body under the bridge.
