May, 2024


3h 30m

Dani almost immediately joined us when Rebeka and I started playing. We expanded our animal stock, visited the Desert, and gave old man Canolli a Sweet Gem Berry. We found the "lost" wood stack, way after we committed acts of deforestation then Bolsonaro could only dream of. Dani started dating Abigail in secret, but the game message system snitched on him. Rebeka died twice, partly due to me being a shit Tank. We ran through the Halloween thing and prepared mentally for the winter. One of the things we want to do is reaching level 25 in the Desert Cave which I'm looking forward to. Hopefully, we can find a Dinosaur Egg, build the Greenhouse and get a lot of tool upgrades before Spring.


4h 0m

We played a bit with Rebeka alone, but later Dani joined us. There's been some minor fuckups in the first 2 days of the Season, but the situation smoothed itself out. Rebeka started regularly foraging the Secret Forest, Dani is the master of the seas, and we have more animals now. We won the Fair thingy and gambled our way to the Stardrop. I also bought a Rug. Somehow we lost two stacks of wood. We don't know how that happened, but it's nowhere to be found, so now we have to aggressively chop food.


5h 30m

A Summer that spans an entire Saturday. I woke up and immediately joined Rebeka who's been playing alone. Dani joined us soon. We played for quite a while before taking a "Midsommar" break, then returning after finishing our chores. Dani has been fishing relentlessly, our garden has a respectable size to it. We even had a huge melon. Rebeka was very surprised, she didn't know it can happen. There's been some confusion regarding the Forestry and Chest Organization, but other than that, it's been going well. We didn't win the Governor's highest approval despite two of our finest Iridium class fishes. On the penultimate day of the Summer, we reached the bottom of the Mine. On the way down, we've found our first Stardrops. Rebeka was reminded to the taste of pizza, me to the taste of board games, and Dani to vodka. The crops have faded for the season, except for the resilient corn that's going to prove itself a bit annoying to plan around the sprinkler system.
Anyway, we said our farewells to this intense Summer by the sea while watching the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies.
Now we look forward to the challenges of the next season, for which we have about a dozen Quality Sprinklers, a considerably fat bank account and the strong, reassuring presence of Chicken Jesus.


4h 0m

We played a bit more with Rebeka. Dani joined us later too. I'm too tired to write this.


1h 0m

Rebeka bought the game randomly and started playing alone. She told me she's broke and doesn't know what to do. I suggested we start a farm together and we did. So far, I've been loving it.

April, 2024


1h 15m

We met Moon Baboon. Sometimes I was tiny, sometimes I was big... Rebeka was running all over the place, including walls and ceilings... Now, after fucking up the Space Monkey, we made contact with Rose and as responsible parents, we hatched a perfect plan to make our already traumatized and heavily depressed only-child to cry.



0h 45m

We closed the evening with some Survive the Internet. It was good enough to delay Robi/Stefi and Bea/Viktor's departure from the get-together.



0h 45m

On the final day of the "Dani is available to us for the extended Easter weekend", we could finally get together. Half of the group, however, was exhausted. Or maybe just me... Anyway, we had no energy for board games and played some Jackbox instead like last time. This was the first time for Bea and Viktor to try Fakin' It. I won a round as Faker. I don't remember much else. We played some rounds, then switched to Guesspionage.


March, 2024



1h 30m


The day has finally come. We wanted to play It Takes Teo but the EA servers were down, thus Rebeka said okay to trying out Dying Light. It was meant to be.

Unfortunately, Rebeka had to do a lot of the early part alone. I could tell she was not always enjoying it but I think after I could join, it changed for the better. This was my first time playing in a while and the first time ever in co-op. We met Bracken, the siblings, and most importantly, Gazi and his mom. The UI is driving me crazy but whatever. I'm having fun. I doubt we'll play much but I hope we do a few more missions still.





0h 30m

We finished the Jackbox night with some Survive the Internet. I think Robi won.



1h 0m

With Dani back home, we raided his humble American Psycho-esque apartment and played some Fakin' It. I was the Faker 4 fucking times and won the first three. Later, we tried Quiplash 2 that Rebeka won. After that a bit of Guesspionage. I'm not sure who won. Maybe Adél?



0h 45m

For the 7th birthday of RTC, we celebrated with a few rounds of this.


1h 0m

Many things are happening. I have the necronomicon that I have to further inquire about in the well. I have infiltrated the goblin camp and rescued Helsin and another bloke. I'm currently in the process of quietly assassinating the three goblin leaders. All the years of playing Hitman are finally about to pay off. Things that also happened: Shadowheart has a little trinket that protects me from the voices in our collective psychosis. I've met my guarding angel. Gale is eating magical shit. I've masterfully triggered a trap by throwing various small furniture at it. I casually hit a nat 20 on a deception check on a goblin. I've intimidated a mirror. I made Wyll my animal translator.


0h 45m


I got Rebeka to give this game another chance but instead of using a controller, I set up the Friend Pass and she got to play on her mouse and keyboard. We finished the second boss yet again. I'm not sure if she'll be into continuing the game, but I'm still a bit more contempt.


0h 30m

Rebeka wanted to play something and I chose poorly. She still enjoyed it, but I feel like I fumbled a carte blanche.


0h 15m

Rebeka played a round with me in split screen. We finished 1-2.

February, 2024


2h 0m

We found out that Rebeka can join my save file with a new character. So far, we killed some Gnolls, caught some ogres fucking, infiltrated a goblin place, and got a horn that we can blow to summon some ogre friends.

January, 2024


0h 45m

Rebeka and Dani tried out the Heavy. Hilarity ensued.


1h 30m

We made some progress. We are probably somewhere towards the end of Act 2. I'm pretty invested at this point. Rebeka didn't believe me that Ashley Tisdale was alive, so I felt pretty vindicated seeing her walking around a pool of blood but otherwise unharmed. All I know for sure is that if ANYTHING happens to Samil, I'm committing war crimes. Inshallah!


1h 0m


I'm playing with Rebeka. I've turned on some assists to help her deal with the controller as she's not used to it. She's playing as Ashley Tisdale, the black dude, the ancient dude and the Iraqi dude. I'm as the two white dudes. So far, we lost the sexist dude, felk into a whole, harassed some pagan shepards and had a lovely moment with me not shooting a civilian and in turn the enemy not shooting me. Honestly, it's pretty great so far. U mostly just enjoy playing with Rebeka.


December, 2023



0h 30m

Continuing our tradition of doing weird shit as an online group activity immediately on new years Eve, we played some Krunker Strike FRVR. Which is not this game I think but a game on Discord. We absolutely destroyed everyone.


0h 30m

We played some DodoReMe. It didn't go as well as last time but I had fun.


1h 0m

The Finals Trio assembled to win 2 out of 4 games. It was a lot of fun, even the ones we didn't win.


0h 45m

We played a bit with Rebeka and Robi. A rare trio, but despite not winning I had fun. Robi, I'm not so sure... Shame. Fun game, but the try-hards are starting to plague the game.


1h 0m

The Finals Dream Team got together for a few matches. It went considerably well. We won some, and we came second in some, but nothing worse.



0h 30m

I kidnapped Rebeka and held her hostage while she was warming herself next to my desk at the heating unit. We got pretty far and it was fun. She's actually better at this game then me.


0h 45m

I joined Dani and Rebeka once again and we played some Bank It. It was a lot of fun. We won 2 out of 3 games.


0h 30m

I joined Dani and Rebeka and we played in the other game mode with 4 teams. Honestly, maybe because we absolutely stomped on them, but I feel like it's the proper way to play.


1h 0m

We played a few matches with Rebeka and Dani. It had it's ups and downs. Later I got Robi to try it. I'm enjoying it so far.


0h 45m

I noticed Rebeka sneakily downloading it so I popped the question. We enjoyed it and later I played two matches alone.