June, 2023


1h 0m


Dani wanted to try the game with as many people as we could gather. We had some technical difficulties, but we ended having a lot of fun. I personally have not won a single game but that didn't matter to me in the slightest. When we closed the game, I noticed that Viktor wanted to join too but it was too late. Shame, it would have been fun with him included.




1h 0m

I played a bit to fill the minimum player requirement in the Bölcsész Klub server. It was fun.


1h 0m

To celebrate Stefi's new video card, after RDO, we hopped on the high seas. We set sail to find a lost shipment which went... Not so great. We didn't follow the ship's route and had to circle back. It was frustrating. However, we did a new thing. We found out what the red tornado hides. It was an Ashen Pirate Lord or whatever the fuck. It was a lot of fun.

1h 0m

To celebrate Stefi's new video card, we played a bit. Not much happened while I was there. a Moonshine selling, they bought new horses and a Blood Money mission.

May, 2023


2h 0m

Robi invited me to another Tall Tale. Stefi accompanied us this time and we headed for the Devil's Roar. Snitching Jim or who the fuck betrayed Pendragon and the crew and I think we are supposed to help them out on by one from King Flameheart's captivity? Or something like that. We did the first dungeon. It was harden than it should have been. Many pointless deaths. I've gotten stuck on terrain TWO TIMES. What the fuck. It was fun though.


0h 30m

We did a quick Merchant Voyage. A Prized Lost Shipment. It went pretty well. Made around 56K and Robi reached 50 with Merchant.


3h 0m

Geri has been playing all day by himself. And I mean ALL DAY, to grind himself to Pirate Legend. In the evening we joined him on his Galleon and he showed us the secret Athena place under the tavern. It was underwhelming but the next chapter regardless. He bought an Athena voyage and we set sail. We as in me, Robi, Geri, and Heni. It was a weird voyage. We had to do a bunch of different quests for different emissaries. It was long, but we figured that we might get a bonus for all of them. Spoiler, that wasn't the case at all. The seas cursed us early on with a fucken Chest of rage that I and poor Heni had to babysit the whole way. At one point as we were getting back to the ship from an island, a Brigantine headed straight towards us. We didn't engage but readied ourselves for combat. We were in motion in no time, and Robi mentioned later that he was proud of us for it. Rightfully, we were like a well-oiled machine of naval destruction as opposed to the disoriented enemy. They were trying to spear me into their ship from my position at the cannon. Then they shot first and we shot back with 3 canons at once. I and Heni took to the lower decks for repairs. She was planking, and I was placing the water from our lower deck onto their ship. All this while Robi and Geri were fighting like hell. One of them tried to board us but quickly met his demise while shouting "NO! NO! WHY?" according to witness reports. They sank quickly and ungracefully. After that, we had a fight with a Megalodon that proved to be a much longer fight. When we finished the voyage, we headed for the outpost but we encountered a skeleton sloop. We scuttled it fast and took its loot. We finally sold the loot. While spearing the loot, Geri was blown up by the Gunpowder Key he was holding as I tried to hook him in. It never happened before. After selling the loot for a disappointingly low amount of gold, we noticed another skeleton sloop that wishes we never noticed it. It sank fast as they always do. It was a good day if not for the loot but for the fights and new voyage experience.


2h 30m

We set sail with Robi on the Thunder in anticipation of Geri joining us later. Which he did, but only after we finished a lost vessel. And another, just because we haven't reached level 5 at that point only for the second lost vessel to despawn and screw us out of the loot. Again. With Geri joining us, we did some cargo runs and then a skeleton fort. It was fun but for some reason much shorter than yesterday. When we approached the skeleton fort, we saw a sloop and a pirate legend galleon nearby but they left us alone. Good day.


6h 30m

I have to start off today's Ship Log with an apology because I won't be able to accurately retell today's events. We played for 6 hours today. It all started on the Stephanie with Geri, Robi, and Bea. We did a vault. A Gold vault at that and we COMPLETELY cleared it out. Curios and Gold Piles and all. That and the Ghost Fort gave us a 100K profit. We took a short break and with Robi and Geri set sail again on Geri's new Brigantine, the Black Ice. This is where things got annoying. We cleared out a lost shipment voyage, sold a bunch of fish, and due to server errors we didn't get paid for anything. Frustration ensued, and Robi logged off but I and Geri stayed mostly driven by the desire for experimentation. We sold some more fish which he caught and I cooked, sunk a skeleton sloop then attacked an active skeleton fort. It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of loot. At this point, the game put us on new servers and we finally have gotten paid for our sold goods again. This is great news since the skeleton fort loot was incredible. Dani came out of nowhere and joined us. We did another lost shipment, then switched our emissary flag to the Order of Souls. Geri bought a bunch of skeleton captain voyages and we cleared a ghost fort. We sold everything at level 5 emissary. We made around 300K if we don't count the 100K we didn't get due to server issues. I opened a support ticket and I was told we should expect the gold to pop up in 72 hours though. It was a bloody good day, mateys, I tell ya.


2h 30m

We've set sail with a crew of four on Robi's new Galleon, the Stephanie. It only happened like this because I couldn't host due to having to switch PCs mid-session. We had a rocky start and some follow-up hiccups which I'm incredibly downplaying because I'm trying to hide the fact that I was absolutely livid with the rest of the crew and the leadership at times. We attacked some skeleton ships and guess what, we didn't have enough cannonballs. We literally shot everything we could at the opposition and got away without anything. I protested the engagement from the start only to be drowned out by dumb overexcitement. But don't worry, we repeated this same exact mistake again later which I also protested but I digress. In the end, we got a pretty sizable loot with a 110K profit. Right before we sold our stuff we met a solo Slooper from Malta who was really nice.


3h 30m

I noticed that Geri is playing alone and is sitting in Discord all by himself. Asked if I could join and thus began our first adventure with Geri. Geri has just bought a ship. A Sloop called the Kraken. Aptly called that because the very first minute we set off we encountered an actual Kraken. Luckily for us, it didn't outright attack us, but instead a Skeleton Sloop right next to us. With Geri's leadership and experience in sea beast hunting, we've defeated it and also the small skelly sloop as well. We set forth toward finding a Vault. It went well and after a longer adventure on Snake Island, a Megalodon hunt, and a skeleton sloop we reached the Vault at already level 5 emissary. We just got out with the main chest in the nick of time and sold everything quickly so that Robi could join us on a Brigante.

After Robi joined us, or to be more exact we joined Robi on the mighty Thunder, we put on the Merchant flag and tracked down a sunken vessel. It went extremely quickly with no hiccups whatsoever. We quickly reached level 5 and so sold our loot from the vessel. After badgering Captain Robi for a good 5 minutes we attacked the host fort nearby for a disappointing amount of loot by itself and sold it. All in all I think I made around 150K.


1h 0m

Robi hit me up if I wanted to play a bit. When I logged in the Merchant Flag was already up and we went for a classic sunken ship voyage. It went well. Nothing too crazy. Cleared a ghost fort too. After we emptied the sunken vessel, we noticed two reapers very close so we raced for an outpost and sold everything for a surprisingly disappointing 39K. Not that money matters to either of us at this point. We noticed the Galleon Reaper and the Sloop Reaper harassing an Order of Souls Sloop and we helped land a few shots at both of the Reapers. In the end, we sank but that was something we fully expected from the get-go as we were done with the day with the game. One of the reapers got a level 5 flag out of us. It was fun and extra PvP experience. Good day.


2h 0m

Well... It was certainly a day. A good one? A bad one? Who's to say? I enjoyed myself despite the frustrating moments. We used my Galleon, Rebeka, because we had Bea and we were expecting Stefi. Except Stefi didn't show up until the very end. So, we were stuck with a Galleon for the three of us. Bea wasn't particularly attentive which normally isn't a huge deal but we really needed all hands on deck to deal with the situation. To make matters worse, we encountered a Kraken and while we didn't loose too much loot, we've lost the Gold Emissiary flag and even after a cleared out gold vault and a ghost stronghold, we couldn't reach level 5 before we called it a day. Still, an eventful adventure in the end.


2h 0m

We set sail at night with Robi on Helheim. We didn't do anything fancy, we just put on a Gold Hoarder emissary flag and headed for a vault. Everything went smoothly, really. It was a new vault that we hadn't done yet and to top it off it was a gold key. We got all the chests out somehow just in time and sold everything for 85K at level 5. Good day.


3h 30m

It was an eventful day. With the help of Dani we cleared a sunken merchant ship then went for a ghost fort. We cleared it but while we were getting the loot on the ship a reaper ship sunk us. While we were docked. Very cool. Very fair. We did some pointless naval warfare after that but then got bored.

Later with Bea we did another Merchant ship voyage. Cleared the sunken ship, fought of the mermaids then did a merchant sell thing. It was short but quite boring to be honest. Bea logged off so with Robi we switched to a Helheim, the Sloop and tried out a new thing. A thing that produced a Skull of Fate. Which we realized was a whole thing we had no time for. We sold it for 10 dubblons. Still got a few skulls out of a quest. We had quite the battle with some hard-ass skeletons.

April, 2023


1h 0m

It's been a few days since we set sail, but finally we did. We've boarded the Thunder and hit up Bea mid-adventure. We tried something new, the Merchant Emissiary. It was a welcome change of pace albiet with the usual rocky start but it was worth it. I don't know how much we made, I genuinely wasn't paying attention because I just loved the journey for what it was.


3h 0m

It was a big day for the Mighty Galleon that is Rebeka. We set sail with Robi, Dani, and Bea. Pimped out the ship into nice burgundy and went for a Vault Voyage. As we were collecting the map pieces, we sunk a skeleton sloop. Then we ended up in a huge storm when we were looking for the X. That was intense. Lighting strikes were as plenty as the strong enemies. It didn't help that the X was difficult to find too. Also at this point, we acquired a weeping chest that was filling the ship with water constantly. After we were done with finding the key in the storm, we stopped at an outpost to sell our loot as we were Gold Emissiary 5 already. We also sold two snakes for 90 each after it bit all of us at least once on the ship. On the way to the vault were singing and dancing then cleared out the Gold vault completely. Oh, yeah, it was a Gold Key. We've made a total of 150K. Good day.


3h 0m

It was a good day on the high seas. Bea bought the game so we got ready to set sail when Dani showed up so the arrangements had to change. I had to take up captaincy and buy a Galleon for the four of us. The mighty ship's name is Rebeka and set me back with about 40% of my wealth. I assigned Robi as acting captain because I couldn't be bothered. Bea also bought herself a fluffy German Shepard-like dog. The beginnings were rocky but then things quickly smoothed out. We fought incredibly hard against a skeleton Galleon. Pumped it full of all our cannon balls and everything else we could shoot at it but the damn thing never sunk. Discouraged we continued our adventures to a nearby fort. This was when our luck turned around. We were like a well-oiled looting and killing machine. After the fort, we continued our quest for the vault. Dani has been fishing all this time and Bea was trying too. Eventually, she caught two fish that day. We encountered a player sloop who was battling hard with two skeleton ships. We were debating whether or not to third-party the sloop but it felt cheap when immediately after surviving the two skeleton ships it was attacked by a Megalodon. Dani felt nervous about letting it live as they were docked later at the neighboring port next to our vault island. We completely cleaned the vault and headed back to an outpost that felt safe. On our way to the outpost, we run into a skeleton sloop and we absolutely annihilated it and took the loot. After that we sold everything gaining over a 100K in profits. Dani bought himself a parrot called KFC and Bea made herself look badass. Dani paid money to lose his hand and leg so he can look like a man whose tales would never end.


5h 30m

I asked Robi if he wanted to play. We logged on to his Brigante. Started a vault and when we were on the first island we got rapid-fired by another ship. They can enjoy our sole Seafarer's chest we had. After that, things went smoothly. Got ourselves a vault, a fort, and some mermaid gems. Sold it at level 5 gold emissary.

We logged back on with Robi. Originally we were expecting Bea to join as a scallywag fresh off the boat, but she couldn't. It was a straightforward vault hunting with the Helheim. What made this day special was the tornado with the dozens of swarming ghost ships. The music was ominous. The outlook was dire. We had to find a map piece in the middle of this madness. We found it, and then promptly as they say... Fucked right off. Later we ended up on a small island with two corresponding treasure maps. Got three gifts that we needed to deliver to the Reaper's Hideout. We put that off for now. Sunk a small skeleton ship, it was fun. Then cleaned out a fort. It was also fun as usual. We got to the vault when we noticed that our key is not stone but gold. We found ourselves in a much larger vault. We couldn't get out all the loot but still ended up with a 105K profit when we sold everything. We delivered the Reaper stuff and then logged out.


1h 0m

We gave it a go Online with Robi finally. It's an understatement to say how disappointing I was with the Online experience. I was excited for the co-op missions but the one we tried was atrocious. Robi was sometimes stuck with a Low Mobility character. Awful... We tried out the Legion of the Dead. Which was somewhat unique but still awful... What a disappointment and a colossal waste of time...

5h 0m

So, it was a long day on the seas. Robi asked me if I wanted to join since our little sister, Évi, is in the game for the first time. I joined as they were doing some vault hunting. It went well. Évi seemed to have fun. She was a pleasant company. We cleared a vault and found two lost ships worth of loot floating on the sea. We made quite a fortune, about over 70K or maybe 100K. We cleared two islands with the level 5 Gold Emissary treasure-hunting maps. Évi then left and Napsi joined. She freebooted the Captain Chest loots, then Robi left and we started a new ship with Napsi's boyfriend, Peti. Which was... Promising but ended in total disappointment. We were vault hunting, cleared the vault, hauled everything out of the first door then drowned in the vault. Peti fixated on a distant sloop. He said we MUST destroy it otherwise it's going to cause problems. It was a sloop... It was far away. We chased it for 10 minutes with our vault loot sitting in the cave. By the time he gave up and we got back to the island, the vault cave closed with all of our loot stuck inside. It was painful.

Later we logged back on with Robi on his new Sloop, the Helheim, or something like that. We started off without any crazy ambitions, just doing whatever. We were on the trail of a vault when we realized that we are in the wilds. A skeleton ship appeared. A sloop. We took it down and took the loot when another showed up that shared his predecessor's fate. We were low on ammo and were ready to haul ass out of the Wild Seas when a Skeleton Galleon showed up. Drunk on success we engaged in an epic naval warfare against it. Many close shaves were had with them. We could practically feel their calcium-stenched breath. We took it down with literally no ammo left. Sucked up the loot and left for an outpost. Despite finding the vault key earlier, we've decided that it's sensible to just call it and sell it since we have reached level 5 Gold Emissary anyway. We made about 79K.


3h 30m

We logged on for the usual midnight seafaring. First, we were trying to be good Reapers but we quickly gave up after we couldn't even sink a skeleton Galleon. Also, we had no actual idea what to do for the Reapers. Then we wanted to do some treasure hunting as Gold Emissaries. It was in a previously unexplored area. A red area. When we were shown how fragile we are to volcanoes we gave up and started a vault. That's when things turned around for the better. We lucked out with the first piece having the X. Robi quickly found the island we were supposed to sail to then headed for the vault. It went well, then we went for a ghost fort. It was going well until I couldn't get out of the storage loading bay thing place with the rowboat. Robi couldn't get out either. I HATE ROWBOATS!!! Anyway, we got the booty on the ship and then sold it. We made over 50K. We did a level 5 gold emissary map. It had all Captain Chest so we dug those up and sold it as a victory lap. The way back we were listening to Leave Her, Johnny as the imaginary credits rolled. After we emptied the ship and were messing around with the emotes the ship just sank. It was weird.


2h 0m

I joined Robi and Stefi mid-adventure. They were treasure hunting. I like those, especially the map ones. As a finale, we robbed a ghost fort to reach level 5 Gold Emissary. We made 70K. It was fun.


4h 0m

Early afternoon I played with Robi and his new ship, the Thunder. We foolishly commited to a 5 part voyage with all five quests being a riddle. It was awful but honestly it was still somewhat fun.

We logged back on with Robi at night. Bea and Dani was there on Discord to bring good luck. We started with a mildly disappointing Captain's Voyage, then immediatelly started a Vault. The first two pieces were in a storm. It was pretty stressful but we managed. We looted a fort as well then we've ended up selling the non-gold emissiary loot. We began dug up the key then attacked a fort again. We had level 4 Gold Emissiary and sold everything before the vault just to be sure. After that, we went for the vault. It went well, then attackad another fort for good measure. We had some resh spawns on the outpost with us but there was no confrontation. We sold a full vault and fort worth of loot at level 5 Gold Emissiary. It was very satisfying. Honsetly, I could have gone for some extra adventures but Robi was done with the Seas.


4h 0m

I'm writing this the next day so I don't remember everything. We played in the evening with Stefi, Napsi, and Captain Robi. We did a vault.

Later at night we played a bit with Robi and did a vault again. It was a good day.


3h 0m

It was a big day for pirates. I bought the game for Rebeka and watched her do the Tutorial. Then with Dani, we did a treasure map.

Later I joined Stefi and Robi. A sloop attacked us but unfortunately for them, we were in a galleon. After a concentrated attack, they sank. They had a lot of loot, mostly tea. Later we found some cool loot like an Ashen Key which we also found a chest for. Stefi left and then Dani and Rebeka joined. It was fun.

Sometime later I logged on with Robi with a mid-size ship. We began a vault quest. At first, things were alright but then when we were sailing for the X, a Kraken sunk us with a whole fort worth of treasure. So, we tried again, this time we reached the island with the X but two asshats started shooting our ship when it was vacant. We fought back but the ship sank. We were seeking vengeance so we sunk their ship. They were surprisingly bad. Another sloop also joined in and started shooting the asshats' ship while we were destroying them. We shot back and sunk the third-party sloop as well. No-one won. Discouraged again but also pumped up by our show of dominance, we set sail again for the X. We noticed a fort and decided that we need a win so we clean it and then immediately sell the booty. All went well but as we were taking out the treasure the server reset and with that the fort is WHILE WE WERE ON IT. We had to do it again. It was incredibly annoying but we cleaned it again and sold it. So we set sail the fourth time. This time we've reached it and dug up the vault key. We entered a vault and... Well, I don't know what happened. I went off to get a row boat and Robi got stuck inside and then died. We got away with some treasure but it was definitely not worth it for that. However, it's a cool story.


0h 30m

I played a bit with Robi. It was alright.


3h 0m

With Stefi, we found some underwater Coral Cave. It had a fun puzzle and some enemies. The loot was satisfying.

Later with Robi, we engaged in some naval warfare. It's fun but the loot wasn't worth it so far. We fought our hearts out against some big skeleton ship but the damn thing wouldn't sink despite pumping it full with literally all our cannon balls. We cut our losses and cashed out. We've met some friendlies too. Tried to defend them at some point.



1h 0m

We played a bit with Robi to test out the game on my new PC configuration.


1h 0m


Me and Robi bought it for cheap. Turns out Stefi played the game before. So, the three of us are roaming around doing whatever.
