One of the best games ever made. It's clear from the start what makes this the best Fallout game by far. Role playing has a true purpose, it's not just a Bethesda gimmick. Obsidian is a brilliant studio and the love they gave to this game is very apparent. Truly the most immersive game you could ever play. The map sucks very much but the exploration still feels rewarding and the desert sets a great tone for the many adventures you will have.

Truly a masterpiece. Really ahead of its time. There are some aspects of the game I don't necessarily agree with but it's beautifully hand crafted and you can see how even games like Elden ring 11 years later take from this game.

It took what made Demon's Souls great and expanded it beyond anyone's imagination. Replayed it dozens of times as a sentiment of how strongly well put together this game is. It shows a masterclass in game design so incredible that no game has ever come close to achieving something as spectacular as this game.

Tries a lot of different stuff in the saga. Although people dunk on this game, most of the ideas from it came back in both DS3 and Elden Ring, where they were praised. This game suffers from a time where die hard Dark Souls fans just wanted more Dark Souls 1. Still a great game, very fun and my second favorite in the saga by far.

Great game, definitely it's clear how this game's combat influenced all later games in the saga, but it suffers a lot from level design compared to past entries.

It's the best combat From Soft ever made, but it's not my cup of tea. Exploring the world has little purpose compated to past From Soft games. Still very solid, I understand why some say it's the best game From Soft has ever made. Just not my cup of tea.

Gameplay wise it's a great step up from previous games. Still, what makes Fallout interesting (the roleplaying), is terribly mediocre and predictable. Very dumbed down and basic with little to no input in any choice in the story. Still very solid gameplay and very very fun just playing around with all the gear. Good game for people who have never played Fallout.

Easily the most potential that you can get out of the souls formula. Obviously it still has flaws, like boss repetition or the dullness of the caves once you've seen the first 20. But still, it's hardly debatable that this is as good as souls will get.

This is hands down the best Final Fantasy game ever made. Truly a work of art, and a work of love. Very beautiful story, with, at least to me, thought provoking themes. Very refined RPG system, classic but touched up just enough so that it feels new. The exploration is great, the scenery beautiful. Much more can't be said about one of gaming's best works.