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Silent Hill 3 is another deep and personal masterpiece from Team Silent. Silent Hill 3 unlike Silent Hill 2 is a direct continuation of the events in Silent Hill 1 having you play as Harry’s daughter, Heather Mason. Silent Hill 3 does exactly what Silent Hill 2 does and it uses its horror to tell a deeply personal story but this time Silent Hill 3 uses its horror to write a very personal story about womanhood. The main character, Heather Mason. is a young teenage girl who goes through many hardships throughout the game and with classic Silent Hill fashion many of these hardships are very realistic and personal with lots of themes of forced pregnancy and many other feminine horrors that many women will face in there lifetime, with heather going through many realistic horrors and not just your basic spooky monsters, but that’s enough about the plot and story of the game it’s time i get into my experience with the game. My experience with Silent Hill 3 was an amazing ride start from finish. Silent Hill 3 being younger than the other Silent Hill games i’ve played gives it the advantages of technological advancement and this game was the one i had the best time playing, while Silent Hill 3 still has that very spacious and clunky tank controls i find that the gameplay ran much more smoother in combat and navigation than the other 2 and i actually wanted to fight enemies instead of running straight past them like in the other 2 installments. Team Silent are masters when it comes to there atmospheres and Silent Hill 3 was no exception, it continues with the same sinister and creepy atmosphere that was in the first game compared to the lonely and depressing atmosphere that was in the second game and giving that Silent Hill 3 is a direct sequel to Silent Hill 1 it ties it in very well. Overall my experience with Silent Hill 3 was perfect and i can say clearly that it has been the best one so far with a much more deep and personal story from Silent Hill 2 and a much more sinister and spooky atmosphere, it takes the best of both worlds and combines it into quite literally the best horror game oat.

I originally started playing this on my phone and I got a decent portion into the game but recently I was able to get a pc and my motivation to play has slowly diminished I will pick the game back up real soon but for now its shelved.

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Silent Hill 2 was an amazing game for its time that very much holds up well today. This game goes over many touchy subjects that most video games ain’t the time were afraid of touching but Silent Hill 2 was a major push in the right direction. Silent Hill 2 uses the psychological horror genre to the maximum with its usage of monsters to convey emotions and trauma it really does make the player feel some type of way especially after the scene where it is revealed that james killed his wife, it’s such a jaw dropping and heart wrenching moment that will bound to evoke emotion out of anyone. To wrap things up Sh2 is a must play for almost anyone who is comfortable with what this game goes over.


from what i played i really liked the atmosphere of this game but like ummm that’s really it i didn’t fw the gameplay like at all and for the majority of the time i was playing it was just running back and forth through that ugly, eye sore of a ship but it was cool for the most part i just didn’t fw like i thought i would

I surprisingly really liked this game but i can say it does have its flaws. The highs are high and the lows are low in this game, i feel like as a fan of the persona series this game should be played last as it sets up a lot of things that aren’t really explored in until later games. The potential is there but unfortunately i could only get myself to care about Maki and Philemon lol

sifu combat but better, sucks the online died because this game has one of if not the best hand to hand combat i’ve played in a game.