8 reviews liked by nicoleavans

Incredibly accurate simulation of living in London

A creeper blew up my home fuck this game lol, Im gonna to taco bell need some tacos

"this game is deep and stuff bro, it says something about the human contidion" I utter as I furiously masturbate to 2B sfm porn

Backloggd reviewers somehow have better material than this

some dude who's favorite game is a JRPG with a 20 minute skit about accidentally groping a girl: "the writing is pretty cringe"

"wot if u were a boy with no personality but two hot babes fell in love with you because you were nice to them on the most basic level possible and also the hot babes were part of a marginalised group considered your property but it's ok it's not weird we promise they actually like that you are Their Master it's ok :)"

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

it's actually called "Super Mario Bros. 2" in japan