A fun little medieval battle simulator with great combat, but currently lacks many features that would make it great. Worth the price now, but will be worth so much more in the future as development completes.

A straightforward action-adventure that does what it sets out to. If you've ever fantasized about being a lightsaber-wielding space wizard, this is the quintessential game to do it.

Revolutionary for its time, but it hasn't aged well. Provided a perfect basis to be developed upon in future games, but not worth re-playing.

The one that's worth replaying in the series. Builds upon what made Drake's Fortune great, with even better level design and an engaging story.

Immaculately executed in every sense possible; an absolute masterclass in emergent gameplay and player freedom within a linear story.

The first-person shooter of all time.

A tech demo for Phantom Pain. It's a fun little experience, but it doesn't provide much today the way it did in the months leading up to Kojima's final Metal Gear installment.

A wonderful return-to-form for the Hitman franchise - awork of love clearly fuelled by experienced and passionate developers. Uniquely puzzle-esque compared to it's predecessors.

It's everything I've ever wanted from a jRPG, taking massive steps forward from both Final Fantasy and its prequel; a gameplay loop I can never get enough of. Plus Mickey Mouse is there for some reason.

As much of a meme as it's since become, this was a revolutionary type of horror game for its time.

While much of the gameplay loop has since become the epitome of slog, FarCry 3 deserves respect for how it pioneered an incredible open-ended experience in an engaging world.

The kind of multiplayer game that loathes amateurs. You're either highly skilled from the get-go, or you'll never make it off the ground.

While its unique concept preempts player ingenuity, SUPERHOT doesn't do much with the slow-time mechanic itself.

Resident Evil 5 fails to meet the expectations set by it's immaculate predecessor, sporting bizarre action-oriented gameplay and a lackluster narrative; this game is the kind that's best with a second player to laugh at it with you.