93 reviews liked by nomtacocat

who's idea was it to make the font arial narrow?

Recently replayed this game in co-op and it ruled just as much as I remembered but Alpine Skyline drags my score down at least a half a star that level is such a drag.

made me feel like actually throwing up

Fuck this game and the rolling stones, the touchscreen of my ds is now broken

Replayed this for the sake of nostalgia and its themes of accepting your own death resonate with me even more now because this account is dying on May 27th, 2024

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(Review for KH3 + re mind dlc)
Base game is very fun, while it was easy even on Proud, I enjoyed going through the worlds and it felt like they were the perfect length, and I really liked the selection of worlds, my favorites being Monsters Inc and Toy Box. My biggest complaint on that is the lack of very many Disney bosses, not a huge thing but something that I hope is more prominent next game. The story’s conclusion I thought was very appropriately climactic, and while I think it’s unsatisfying you don’t fight any of the Organization members throughout the bulk of the story, the ending sequence where you fight them all, and then the ‘Nort Court’ is undeniably very cool. The combat is distinct from the prior games, and it’s very fun in its own right. Being able to move while casting magic alone is one of the best changes, airstep is fantastic (though mostly in the context of the dlc) and I liked the different keyblade forms for variety. Overall, KH3 on its own is good, it has some issues and misses some series conventions but a very fun experience.
Re mind was something I had no idea what to expect going in, and in terms of the story content yeah I really didn’t care for that given I did it two days after I beat the main game. Going through the ending again albeit playing as different characters for some fights and the story additions lead to some VERY high highs, but was too much of the same and I wish they went about it differently. Limit Cut Episode put me through the ringer fighting against the Data Organization but it was absolutely what this game needed, a set of battles that push me to use my kit and it’s absolutely fantastic for that, great fights all around leading to the most fun boss in the series in Yozora. I would buy Verum Rex. Fantastic DLC overall and I’m very curious to see what’s next for the seri- what do you mean I have to play a rhythm game next.



A great game for people who dont know how to read.

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ARISTOTLE MEANS: I say what I mean and I mean what I say. And I say: the ends justify the MEANS!

PHOENIX WRIGHT™: doing iconic disgusting sweating 3d pose Well, I guess we can rule out the ends NOT justifying the means...



PEARL FEY: heyy guys