this is the most sonic game of all time

this is like kirby planet robobot but worse

one of the best 2d platformers ever

the most tightly desgined game ive ever played, with a really good villain and some nice brain teasers. plus the portal gun will never not be awesome. its sequel has it beat though, at least in terms of variety, story and content.

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it starts off pretty nice with some pleasant music but it reeeeaaaaaly draaaaags later own. team flare are so goddamn boring and lysandre is so so stupid and annoying, being worse than cyrus with his edgy brooding about an imperfect world. with no challenge whatsoever, everything getting oneshot and the artstyle being so god damn bland it hurts my soul, this is the worst pokemon and its not even close.

bridget!!! brisket!! woooo
most of the other characters are fun but ill forever be a bucket main
also the art style is everrrrything and its so replayble thanks to the amount of neat techniques and specials that you can string together in interesting ways. ive yet to get good at dust combos though. its my life failing
the roman cancel in particular is really fun to use.
im no fighting game master and i have no experience in them outside of smash but like
this one is pretty good. you should play it.

a game about duality is also one im very split on, but im tired of essays so heres my surface thoughts:
-sonic and shadow have the best 3d sonic, like, ever. this kind of level design mised up with some levels tlike red mountain from sa1 would be peak sonic but i cant have nice things
-tails and eggman add variety to a game that doenst really need it. they range from okay to actually pretty cool but when im outside of eternal engien, weapons bed and cosmic wall im just kind of wondering why this had to be here. at least the late deem bristows perfromance eggman is entertaining as hell
-knuckles and rouge are bad. pumpkin hill is a vibe but even that level is kind of bad and its only saved by good themeing.
geniunely who thinks rng in a game like this is good, come ON
the ranking system is amazing and really boosts replayablity in levels, and the chao garden is amazing (and should be brought back). but this game is brought down by terrible missions with rouge and knuckles and some of tails and eggmans levels arent so hot either.
a sonic game with speed style gameplay similar to this one and the chao garden would be too perfect for this world sadly, but i think most of this game is good enough that its the second best 3d sonic (behind generations)
also the story is pretty banging, but the writing could have been better and funky animations dont help me take it seriously.

im really feeling hoenn y'know? this is a vibes game. hell yeah. gimme some of that trumpet noise

pokemon follow you pokemon follow you pokemon follow you pokemon follow you pokemon follow you pokemon follow you pokemon follow you pokemon follow you pokemon follow you pokemon follow you pokemon follow you pokemon follow you pokemon-

this is the most metal kirby game. electric guitar? metal. kirby in a mech? metal. kirby in mech that can use COPY ABILITIES?
very metal.
hell even the entire plant in this game is literally being turned into metal and your goal is to stop that from happening so uh yeah
pretty bloody metal

for your own sake just play the final mix version on critical

this is plain toast in videogame form. plain toast tastes good,
but i wish it had a liiitle bit more flavour you know?
just a bit of spice or something

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whoa look, its the trans game
in all seriousness though whoa
this is a really well designed platformer with some really good idead that are really pushed to there limits in really interseting ways
the story is a really good one that i think is most people will be able to relate to, even if they personally have never had major mental health struggles
the finale is makes you feel really powerful with a really cool boss fight followed by recieving an extra dash that feels awesome to use
and the extra content ties it all together; its a really complete game that doesnt feel like its missing anything at all really
the last b side waas too hard for me though so i cant comment on them as a whole but most of them were pretty good! bit too hard for my tastes though.
love the fact that madeline is trans! this is the only game ive played with a trans main protaganist and as a trans girl its really cool to see good repersentation in a pretty mainstream and popular video game!
so yeah! this is a really good game!