A superb Paper Mario-like, but also much more beyond that. Tons of amazing quality of life and gameplay systems like the togglable hard-mode and medal system. Incredibly lovable main cast, and much more variation in combat than its inspiration ever offered.

it's too hard for my tiny brain and shitty hand-eye coordination

A very pretty puzzle game with unique and satisfying mechanics. Short but sweet

Obristan above all

How is the gameplay so unreasonably fun?

A fun time capsule until it became so obtuse that it was impossible to progress without looking up a guide. Not just because of hard puzzles but because of having to figure out HOW the game wanted you to input something when you already knew what you wanted to do.

Cool little game. Nice graphics and atmosphere but very obtuse gameplay holding it back. Basically just a glorified fetch quest without hints on where to go next.

Also why the hell is there an arbitrary time limit? Literally adds nothing to the game and doesn't make sense??

(Only demo released yet, will update when full release happens)

The graphics of this twin stick melee space battle game are just lovely. Pixel sprites finished off with satisfying effects, as well as the charming dialogue sprites. The gameplay so far is, as realistic as it may be, a little clunky with the heavy inertia, but I suspect with mastery one can overcome that hurdle and get some satisfying moments out of it. Looking forwards to trying the full thing!

this game is the perfect excuse when you wanna hang out with the boys on discord while just fucking around


Cute co-op romp. The ability to fuck each other over is a very necessary and appreciated aspect in these kinds of games.

Picked this up specifically for the experimental coop to have a split screen romp. The game definitely fulfilled that purpose. Sahad is the greatest character in any media. When he farted I felt that.

Game got shelved due to getting a bit too repetitive and a lot of enforced single player segments.

Really fun non-linear text based game. The writing is good and the pixel art is delicious.

What got me the most about this game is how it actually captures the feeling of being a fresh adventurer slowly growing comfortable with the lands so well. Starting out, all choices were nail-bitingly tense and everything felt dangerous. Could I afford to sleep here? Do I sell my healing potion to afford food, or is it better to go hungry? But as time progressed and you get more familiar with the land, more allies to work with, and more avenues of resources, you actually feel much more in control. The game goes seemlessly from "trying to survive" to "mastering these lands" .

Fun game about catching critters and self-reflecting, 100%-able in 3 hours.
Comfortable to play with some nice poetry to boot.
The little interactable things in the overworld are a nice touch too!


Cute cat game. Absolutely stunning visuals and high atmosphere factor.

Sadly the gameplay falls a bit short and feels unrefined/just not that exciting. Shelving for now and maybe revisiting later to finish.

same old epic game but with extra crispy HD cheese