The MELEE of Kart,
Perfection for competitive play

The best part about playing this game in 2007 as a child was the fact you didint have to listen to a ton of redditors tell you this game is garbage because of the control scheme on DS.
The extra characters , levels and minigames were a perfect addition to M64. Stinks that all the remakes and virtual console launches were based off the OG game and not Mario64 ds which is the better title in my opinion.

Give the means of your game to the community and they will deliver every single time.
One of the best games ever, The community maps were some of the most fun I had as a kid. Props to everyone who knew what they were doing in the editor when I was only 9 years old. Bomb/Shark survival will always be in my heart

The better your friends are the better the experience type game.

Love to see SOLO (furry) devs winning. Haven't played this game in a while, but for 10$ I got 70 gut busting extremely fun hours.

A solid game with a ton of items to unlock and many skills to progress.
Never understood why a Nintendogs never came to switch.

Floaty crap platform fighting, greasy burgerking chicken fries gameplay

Got my 60$ on Xbox 360, and THREE times on PC... 💀

One of the most, if not THE most culturally impactful game of the 2010's besides maybe Fortnite in 2017.

Campaign was 6/10. Good writing here and there but a majority of the missions have you finding yourself mentally unstimulated driving back and forth across the map to "pick something up" or "kill someone"...

The community is what made this game nearly 10/10 with mods, sexy hackers dropping me money online, early DNS server glitches on XBOX 360 and more.
One of the FEW games I started playing at 13 years old and can still find myself enjoying to this day at 24 just casually driving around

And yeah fuck yall im writing my reviews based on culture and personal impact not just the game itself 💀💀

Hated everything about this game besides Custom zombies on PC <- that part is flawless

This game always felt like the start of the end of COD to me. LOOT BOXES LOOT BOXES LOOT BOXES DLC DLC DLC.
The frustration of not getting a good melee weapon from crates was so real, some people would get shit from crates that's just objectively better than what you have.
Fast forward almost 10 years later and they haven't gone back to the LV 0-55 progression system because always chasing the next best battlepass weapon makes them more money

A great idea that didn't have enough swag to survive.

Not really sure why this game failed, seemed like it could of easily been a semi successful niche arena shooter that had a dedicated fanbase due to its unique and fun mechanics.

I always think there's some secret psychology going on when Devs push battlepasses and skins before new maps or gamemodes come out. It makes the player feel like they are just attempting a cashgrab vs really sweating to get the game polished.

Enjoyed playing this a bit with me and my homie Anthony. On the other hand maybe everyone stopped playing because we were so good that people got bored of loosing

The best AC of all time hands down.

Normalized Cross platform and Battlespasses. A true balance of good and evil.

So glad I never played OW1 so im not more emotionally attached to this evil game than I already am.

Casually the first super Mario game on WII and casually one of the most perfect Nintendo games of all time.
There's many aspects of this game I could speak on forever. But the soundtrack is just so packed full of emotion its bonkers. Nintendo is always great with producing but the tracks in Galaxy are still untouched to this day.

One of the best shooters of all time paired with a company that makes billions that refuses to get a ANTICHEAT

Not a huge fan, Doesn't feel super crisp or unique enough from other shooters to make me want to keep playing