Celebrimbor told me that Sauron actually asked for a cock-ring, but he made it too big

I don’t get this game, they all talk funny and I can’t understand them. I liked the bowling tho

this game will fill your helm with grief

the best game to play after coming home from a long day of taking apart and repairing shit

please take this game away from me i can't fuckin stop.

also long live Battania and fuck the empire, all my homies hate the empire

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Hifumi should've died first

finally a video game with no politics shoved in our face by those damn libtards

fuck battlefield, me n my homies all play battlebit

gimme sequel now please, jesus christ be praised

roach please go its a 2 ft fence just jump over it please dont stop roach its not gonna kill you god damnit roach just fuckin go

become the trees, send the stinky american gi back home