I went into this game expecting a larger story, but instead left with a melancholy anime shakespeare. The final choice really made me sad realizing the one I really wanted to choose.

Sometimes I feel this game doesn't respect the player's time. But if you go in understanding that it will be a true 40+ hours you will have a great time. I thought I could do this in 30 but at 35 hours so far I'm just a little disappointed.

Not entirely interested in this game's aesthetic and comedy. I thought if I pushed past I would find a gem every once in a while, but instead was met with none of them. 2 separate runs are in these hours and neither of them I got anywhere near the end.

played through MCC with original graphics
good ass game, hard as hell and it shows its age

halo but 2? lots more electric guitarmakes this more RAD

favorite game on 360 and this game really brought the series together into a great experimental form

i liked the swap from gadgets to suit mods
ending makes it all worth it

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played through MCC
i really cant believe they made the final boss a shitty quicktime. every final cutscenes from previous games were always high tension with a feeling of celebration when you finally pull it off. instead this ending feels like "oh it just happened to work", he just happened to fall off the platform, cortana just happened to be able to split off her broken parts and send them like viruses, cortana just happened to fix herself but cant survive

bought on release but didn't finish till probably 2018

turned out to be one of my favorite games ever, with large areas that involve the player going around and finding different paths to complete their main objective

played corvo while trying to stay stealthy and nonlethal

while the levels are more expansive, everything looking and sounding way better, the overall game doesnt match what the original had

the upgrades felt they were more geared to lethal play, rewarding kills by allowing multiple at a time, and hiding bodies etc.

because of the nonlethal route i took by the end of the game I had 2/3 super bonecharms that i used 100% and only bought upgrades for the suit, crossbow, and stun mines

clockwork manor and the split house really take the cake for levels but every other one felt lukewarm with really direct ways to complete them

raz finds the buker king kids club of inclusive teens to help him stop the worst possible thing on earth reawakening

well worth the wait

i loved everything about this, other than the combat. super repetitive, and pretty shallow fighting. some of the puzzles also get tiring. not sure if i'll ever play it again because of those reasons.

would be a 5 but i didn't own a controller so getting through the water was just fucking impossible

actually played on PC through gamepass and gotdam was this a bad port

this is the most literal meaning of a console port to PC, im amazed the keyboard even worked

it feels like a flash game version of an RTS. nothing was insanely hard, you could turtle most the missions and come through with a big ass army and roll bases. just controlling the units was a pain in itself, and sometimes they just wouldn't listen to you. the unique thing they try to do every level is not explained at all so youre trying to learn the mechanics while managing a base. i got 9/15 missions through and got exhausted by the end.


man i am so bad at this for some reason, but the characters and their interactions make me want to keep playing to hear them talk