Really good horror game and a good soft-relaunch for the franchise. Didn't like the Goo-Monsters.

I love what they did with the remake. Level design was annoying due to technical limitations of the PS4. Squeezing through narrow paths for 1000 times gets really boring. I hope that's gone in Rebirth.

Peak Mario. Not porting the second one to the Switch is criminal.

If it wasn't for some unfinished parts of the game, I'd consider it 10/10. The DLC kinda made up for that tho. I've played through it at least 10 times. Maybe one of the most important games ever.

Gameplay wise this should have been an Evolution from Storm 4, but it feels like Storm 2. Less combo variety. Ranked Online is locked to 30fps, which is ridiculous.

It's as if someone tried to copy Dark Souls, but didn't really understand what made it so great or was unable to replicate that.
For some reason the only game in the series with 8-directional movement. Level design, graphics, art direction and art style, soundtrack and boss design is also the worst in the series.

Still a good game because the foundation is so strong, but in the context of FromSoftware's other games an absolute disappointment.

Underdeveloped slow fighting mechanics (gets way better with sequels), fun open world gameplay.

Eagerly awaiting a remaster/remake. Peak FromSoftware. Gaming only gets this good.

It might have story beats that you don't like, but that doesn't mean the story is bad. Quite the opposite actually. This is the best story I have ever seen in a game and while that would already be enough to make it an all time classic, they don't stop there. It has AMAZING gameplay, graphics, animations - just everything. I have yet to see a better game when it comes to polish and production value. Just play it. Don't listen to the haters. I'll play through it again once it comes out on PC:

Great game with awesome characters and a moving story. Had some weird moments in the story, lacked depth gameplay-wise and felt technically limited by the the PSP. I'll give it a another playthrough with the remake soon.

The best JRPG I've ever played and one of the best games ever imo. Took me 126h. Will replay it one day with the Royal version!

Same complaints I had for the first one. Other than that, it bigger, better and more spectacular than the first one.

Dead, unsupported and forgotten game. But it was actually a good 3D Windjammers interpretation. Fun with friends.