One of the best video game experiences i've ever had. 10/10 would recommend

very pretty game with great music. super short and sorta all over the place difficulty wise and a almost non existent story but worth a quick play

After looking for more after outer wilds I thought I'd give Subnautica another go. So glad I did. A very interesting passive story and insanely cool water physics and gameplay. Ill miss this game :( A little buggy and had to look like 2 things up but besides that super great game

Pretty nice little story with a really cool concept for dialogue (the radio). Wish it was a bit longer and the story didn't end so abruptly. Some stutters here and there and some animation errors but I dug it

Such a simple and short game with so much charm it's kind of unfair. No real stakes or stress, just a nice cozy adventure to the top of a mountain while meeting some fun friends along the way. uwu

Fantastic game. Super ahead of its time in many ways. As of writing this I have not done low chaos but i'll give it a go soon to get the "good ending". Fantastic atmosphere and setting and great world building. Fun gameplay and interesting characters. I cant believe this is only a year older than skyrim lol

UPDATE: I finished my low chaos run. Super cool how many differences there are between the two. Such an interesting way of world building. I just wish I didn't have to play the whole game again to get other endings

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I think I prefer dishonored 1 for its simplicity but this does a FANTASTIC job distinguishing itself from the first. Brand new and interesting powers. Cool level designs (clockwork mansion and the time travel mansion stand out). And new mechanics and enemies that make for a good time. A bit buggy and some plot points that felt a little convenient but otherwise beautiful looking game that plays super well. Gotta do a Corvo high chaos run now


Very relaxing game that you're going to be confused about for about 95% of the game but it comes together at the end. Insanely good soundtrack with some nice cute moments. A lot like journey which isn't really my type of game but still a good time.

Such a creative and unique experience. Super creative (albeit hard on the eyes) art style with a super engaging story that makes you wanna figure out just that little bit more. A few bits stand out as too hard to figure out without just guessing but 99% of it is intuitive enough. Its very difficult and I had some help from a friend but I 100% recommend this if you like puzzle games

Finally got around to playing bioshock and wow I have a lot to think about. Incredible world building with one of the coolest fictional cities ive seen in a video game. Had a lot of fun mixing and matching powers even though i was constantly broke and felt underprepared. Unfortunately it ended in a SUPER unexpected and underwhelming way. It's such a shame how much work and effort went into it just for the end to feel so tacked on and thoughtless. Overall a great time with super ahead of its time graphics. Im sure this is talked about to death. Hopefully Bio 2 and 3 handle it better. Def recommend this

My friend recommended this to me and I'm glad she did. Not a perfect game but such a unique concept and such a fun atmosphere. If you thought hollow knight was too dark and sad (you're wrong) this is the game for you. Not a fan of the ending really at all and some of the pinball sections felt a little tedious for no reason but a really nice time.


Incredible world building and atmosphere. Creative problem solving first person shooting gameplay. Sometimes stacks too many side missions on you at once and can feel overwhelming but eventually gets sorted out. Story feels a little rushed near the end


Dude you simply cannot make a game with a cat protagonist and not make me do a "look at the wittle cat" voice every time he does literally anything