Even though the story/plot is messier and is harder to follow I think I enjoyed it more. The stakes are higher, the combat is better and more refined and the new characters and locations make this an excellent time.

I cannot express how much of a breath of fresh air this game was. Beautiful movement, creative powerups, constantly surprising and unique wonder mechanics and one of the prettiest games on the switch all make this one of the best Mario games I've played in my life. How on earth did we survive over a decade and a half with the New Super Mario Bros series. Play this

Not a perfect game by any means. Some corny dialogue here and there and some pacing issues but god damn does this hit you in the spiderman feels. I've never cheered harder for in a game. Very very fun gameplay and some insanely beautiful set pieces. Heavy reccomend

Why is this baby game so hard/addicting? I need help

Neat idea for a Co Op game but very uninteresting story and boring puzzles

Technically I didn't finish finish this as I didn't get all the treasures but I'd rather get punched in the face than put myself through that. Idk if I'm just bad and I know I'm new to Pikmin but I feel like this game goes against so much of what makes the first game good. Insanely frustrating and annoying dungeons, fairly boring reused overworld that serves no purpose besides being a hub world for different dungeons, a useless day/night cycle since time limits basically are gone now and needing to get all 201 treasures to get the "actual" ending. I really appreciate the small improvements like the second captain and better Pikmin AI but I really did not enjoy this nearly as much as I did 1 or 3. Maybe someday ill go back and subject myself to the cancer that is all treasures but probably not soon.

Very neat concept that isn't explored as much as I'd like. Turn the voice volume to 0 btw

A little rough around the edges but holds up surprisingly well. Pikmin AI is frustrating and some of the controls are a little tedious but theres something special about the gameplay loop and overall feel. Really excited to try pikmin 2 and then 4 (yes i played pikmin 3 first).

First Pikmin experience and can't wait for more. End is a little frustrating but doesn't take away from the rest of the game.

One of the best platformers out there. Music slaps and gameplay innovative and fresh.

I don't know if I would have enjoyed this nearly as much if the story wasn't filled in by the 2nd game.

Pretty neat puzzles except for my friend who yelled at me the whole time

5 years later I finally finished it. One of the most immersive games I've ever played.

The world needs more games like this. Wish there was a way to avoid brute forcing puzzles but idk how you'd prevent that.