Let me get the bad stuff out of the way. The story in this is the weakest aspect and never fully gripped me despite the admittedly interesting lore tablets/scrolls making it better. There are some glitches that feel a little out of place in a high budget game but nothing that is game breaking or enough to really annoy me. Some of the amulet buffs are a little uninteresting and don't really have the same charm (lol) as the charm system in Hollow Knight which its clearly inspired by. But that's really all I got for negatives.

The good stuff makes up for literally every single shortcoming in my opinion. Fast fluid movement, A simple but deep combat system that allows for some insanely creative combos that I don't think Ill ever be able to take full advantage of and a very beautifully designed world that's always fun to explore and get lost in. The platforming puzzles are top notch and never felt unfair. The abilities you unlock throughout the game fundamentally change the way you move and fight and I was always looking forward to seeing what I'd unlock next. The bosses are pretty great despite some sort of awkward over the top animations mid fight. The music in general is a treat and always elevates the mood, especially in boss fights.

Overall I seriously enjoyed my time with this game and highly reccomend it to anyone interested in a well polished Metroid-Vania because this is one of the best. I still prefer my little bug boy but this does a LOT that hollow knight doesn't and I hope Silksong copies some of it. Love it


This is such a weird one for me because as much as I liked what the game was going for and generally enjoyed it the performance issues and optimization are almost a deal breaker.

Ill start with the good. The overall feel and vibe of this game is great. It basically takes the quiet somber exploration of breath of the wild and makes an entire game out of it. The art style (while imperfect) is unique and fits the world perfectly. The base story about finding your path and growing up was simple but handled nicely. The missions while mostly just being glorified fetch quests feel fun and usually are easy enough and worth doing. The music (when it isnt stuttering) is relaxing and really brings the whole world together.

Sadly a lot of that is super let down by the games horrible performance. I have a 4070 ti and this game constantly dropped below 40 FPS which is pretty wild considering how basic the graphics are. The audio for some reason felt very choppy and inconsistent and was unpleasant to listen to a lot of the time because of it. The animations are fairly low budget and the camera CONSTANTLY bugged and I either disappeared or saw through the bottom of the map. I know this is an indie game but the issues I and others had made the whole thing feel unpolished. It does so much right but the basics feel super flubbed.

If you plan on playing this, make sure your PC is good enough to actually run it okay (Yes really, my 4070 ti 13700k build still didn't feel like enough). I still enjoyed it enough to finish it but man I really really wish this game wasn't as broken as it was.

Short and sweet. Wish it was more puzzle oriented but I had a nice time with my buddy joe. The quality of these games has gone up so much since the first one its crazy.

I still have issues with the way this game does dialogue and story telling but the story is much more compelling than the main story. I just wish it had a bit more time to gestate and to get to know the characters. If you like the base game you'll love this

An incredibly clever and thoughtful game about translating different languages and bridging the gaps between those who speak them. Story gets a little wonky sometimes and the stealth sections feel super out of place but all in all a really nice game that makes you feel smart.

As much as I wanted to like this game it always ended up feeling shallow and one dimensional. The graphics, sound, art style, immersion and overall vibe are all incredible and deserve to be appreciated on their own but the gameplay and story often times fall flat for me.

I feel like if you go into this expecting a fun open world action game that you can immerse yourself in you're going to have a good time but if you go into this expecting an RPG with choices that really affect the story in a meaningful way with deep combat mechanics that makes you really have to decide what type of character you are and how you'll play like I did you're probably going to be disappointed because it has neither of those things. Maybe I just went in with the wrong expectations. Despite all of that I'm glad I played this finally and can still appreciate what a titanic effort developing something like this must have been.

Also this game is still buggy as hell even in patch 2.1 what the heck??

This is less of a game and more of a Steam Deck Demo but valves still got it. Maybe one day we'll get another full Portal game but until then this brilliant demo will be good enough.

My second ever rogue like/lite(?). Beautiful art style, great music, fun yet simple fighting mechanics and a really neat and unique idea for a game in general. My only real issue was that the Roguelite sections felt kind of detached gameplay wise to the village management sections. Obviously they're two different gameplay loops and I get that but I never really felt like I was doing anything all too important when building my village since there was no real need. If the upgrades from the cult were more impactful or necessary I think I'd get it more but I kept feeling like "Why am I building this, I should just be killing stuff lol". Still a very good game and I'm excited to dive into endgame content.

I don't give star ratings anymore but if I did this would be the easiest 5/5 I could give. The impossibly creative and satisfying puzzles that will constantly have your jaw on the floor, a very compelling gimmick and beautiful visuals and soundtrack makes this a must play for anyone remotely interested. Glad I played this.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. One one hand I really like short bit sized games that can be knocked out in a few hours and I really like the idea of a movement based boomerang FPS but I really didn't like the repetitive nature of it never felt satisfied with my move set. Sadly it wasn't really for me but it looks like I'm in the minority with this so take this with a grain of salt I guess.

A fun game with very clever and unique puzzle and level design that's kind of let down by the fact that it's a Wii U port. The touch controls don't feel super natural since this game was built for a 2 screen console and the switch obviously only has one. Control issues aside, the level design is its stand out feature. No two levels feel the same and you always feel like you're doing something new. That coupled with the beautiful visuals of tiny world levels makes this a pretty fun albeit breezy experience. Now to play the bonus content.

For whatever reason this really clicked with me and I found it super therapeutic and relaxing. Besides a few levels that really stretched and burnt me every level is fun and satisfying to complete. Glad I finally finished it

Finally got around to playing this since I bought it nearly 5 years ago and it's not nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. It's not as good as Wonder (not even close) but as a basic 2D Mario this was a pretty fun time. While the movement isn't as refined as wonder, the level design and music aren't as good and the graphics are generally boring it has some standout levels and still has that warm and fuzzy feel you get from a Mario game. Though maybe that's just nostalgia talking...

Man this game is so close to being something good and fun. It has several mechanics and ideas that are so clever and if were done again in another game would probably be great but nearly all of those ideas feel half baked and are fumbled making this game frustrating and boring at the same time. Boring level designs, insanely easy bosses, a follower system that while on its own is very cool gets in the way and makes it way too easy to lose track of what's even happening during chaotic boss fights and a very poor story that probably makes sense to hardcore Kirby fans but to anyone else is just unsatisfying.

I really wish I could play a better version of this game because everything on paper is very unique but every time I thought I was starting to love it the game fought back and reminded me that its actually bad.

(Have yet to play the side content that I heard is much better)

This was my first Kirby game and it was a pretty good way to start. Creative copy abilities, fun and clever level design, great soundtrack and gameplay with a story that became surprisingly interesting (for a mainline Nintendo game). I'm shocked that this is the first attempt at a 3D Kirby game since it feels so natural and like it was meant to be.

My only real issues are the framerate inconsistencies between menu, background and foreground, inconsistent powerup mechanics and a sort of tedious post game that is only made up by the improved boss fights and abilities. Definitely a super solid experience though and am excited to play more of the series.